View Full Version : bad few weeks

22-04-09, 15:42
I had had a really great few weeks up until 3 or so weeks ago. I now feel anxious when I go out again for some reason. My health anxiety is quite bad and it doesnt help that im so tired all the time.
Also I dont feel sad or low but I dont want to see anyone or do anything which is wierd as last few months I have had loads of girls nights and plans but I just cant be botherd just now. Even to speak on the phone. I would like to just lie in bed and read all day if I could.

I have heard of the tablets stopping working, do you think that could be the case.

22-04-09, 16:24
I would ask your Doc about the tablets losing their effect and I would suggest reading anything by Claire Weekes regarding anxiety and a book called "Its not all in your head" by Asmundson(sp?)

Good luck and please know we are here for you.

22-04-09, 16:37
I am feeling similar to you. It is sometimes hard to see any positive in anything.

I know I'm stating the obvious here but I always find that when I drag myself out of my flat and do some form of aerobic exercise (whether on bike, gym, speed walking or attempting to "jog" around the park) this really DOES increase my self esteem and as a side effect of that my anxiety does get less. I also find that if I try and "lose myself" in something (i.e. break the routine, go to the cinema, have a laugh with a friend) this does wonders.


22-04-09, 16:42
I definitely get those 'can't be bothered with anything' periods in my life.... I think we all do. BUT make yourself - because it's weird how it makes you feel better. It's almost as if the thinking about doing anything is the bad thing. When you actually do do something it suddenly seems to get better. I had a bad day yesterday where I felt lifeless and thought I didn't want to talk to anyone. My best mate rang out of the blue and we chatted for half an hour or so. And, do you know what, I felt so much better!

22-04-09, 23:15
thanks so much guys xx

23-04-09, 00:06
Yeah bab, make yourself do things, you've got the emotional equivalent of writer's block and the best way to beat it is to just keep on going. Eventually you'll get back into your rhythm and this blip will be over :)