View Full Version : Lupus??

22-04-09, 19:44
Hi from a very anxious newbie! I have 3 gorgeous kids and with each pregnancy suffered from low platelets which decreased progressively throughout pregnancy and then went back to normal levels soon after delivery. I was diagnosed as having gestational thrombocytopenia and was happy to leave it at that.

Following my most recent pregnancy and birth of my little boy my platelets had gone up (140) but were still not classed as a "normal" ie 150-450. So the doctor said to get them checked again after 3 months to see if they'd gone up.

Anyway went to the docs yesterday for what I thought would just be a FBC and on the blood form there were loads of other things added to test me for loads of disorders including lupus etc.

I have now convinced myself that I have 1 of these and am worrying myself sick, convincing myself of muscle aches, swollen glands etc. I won't leave the house in case the doctor calls or worse still get a letter in the post askin me to go in to discuss results. I can't talk to this with any of my family as they don't understand and think I'm being a hypochondriac but I'm so scared of what the results will be and can't think of anything else. If I'd known that the doctor was going to ask for all of those extra tests then I seriously wouldn't have gone as would rather not know there's something wrong.

Anyway just after some reassurance really!


22-04-09, 19:56
hi joeybear,

the doctor is probably just covering his back if you were anxious in his office.
your palettes arent even that low to be honest its spitting feathers.....
my doctor told me the average blood test will be out somewhere along the line even if your fully healthy, they have to set the normal values somewhere....

are your glands swollen ?? if so how big
have you done any heavy lifting to cause body aches....

im sure your fine

22-04-09, 20:11
No my glands aren't swollen and I go to the gym 3 times a week so don't know whether the muscles are aching because of that or something else.

I just keep googling lupus symptoms and then thinking do I have that and then the more I think it the more I convince myself that I do have that symptom. I sailed through all 3 pregnancies with all my blood tests normal apart from these wretched platelets which went down to 57 at the lowest and had normal deliveries with no blood loss etc so you would have thought that if I did have something seriously wrong then my Rbc or WBC would be affected but I still can't get this horrid feeling out of my head that there must be something wrong.

Thanks for your reply. :)

22-04-09, 20:52
ur very similar to me i go to the gym 3 times a week and im training for a half marathon, im worried about lymphoma i can feel glands in my neck but i think could an ill man do all this exercise and still be ill??

im sure your fine