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23-04-09, 12:51
Do the physical symptoms of anxiety ever go away for good?

I have had them since November and they are really annoying me because everytime I get them and try to shrug them off and think nothing of them, they still get to me and worry me!

Any help please?

23-04-09, 13:11
Hi Matt,

I would like to ask this as well!! Mine have been with me on and off since Oct last year...it drives me crazy with worry. I feel like I can't fully enjoy life! I am sorry that I can't answer your question but hope that we find an answer! I think that they will go as the anxiety improves with therapy etc.


Tori Frances
25-04-09, 09:02
Hi Matthew and Ali,
For me they have come in episodes throughout my adult life but have had long periods without them in btween, (years). Going through terrible episode at mo though - hence on this forum. My dr says as I get older episodes will get less frequent.
Some people do recover completely though. See success stories on here.

25-04-09, 09:12
Hi Mathew & Ali,

I have got this for the 2nd time now and once again on the road to recovery, i had a 10 year anxiety free period. I dont know if we ever get rid of it for good, but i do believe that you can learn to control them so that you can lead a so called normal life, others have managed to shrug it of completely, think it depends on the individual.

take care
