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23-04-09, 13:16
Please can someone give me some advice. I have this awful tightness/heaviness on my chest and neck, normally it is not so bad but has been all day for the last few days and is making me have panic attacks. It feels like I need to cough but that’s not shifting it, and it feels like its coming in waves. I have tried indigestion remedies but to no avail. It goes briefly when I eat but comes back and is making me really stressed. Its my brothers wedding next week and I am getting so down cause I think I will be too sick to go-its in provence and I am so excited but this is ruining it.
Please any practical advice?

23-04-09, 18:01
Are you really stressed about something - other than having the tightness? If you are, see a GP before the wedding (if you can) - they could at least reassure you if nothing else - I'm sure it's just anxiety.... if eating temporarily eases it then it's probably severe reflux or indigestion...

But see your Doc to put your mind at rest. THEN go to Provence and have a blast.....

23-04-09, 20:17
You should read about Globus Hystericus. It's said that learning what it is can make it go away. Seems like part of your problem.

I had a lump in my throat and a sore neck, as well as a very tight chest when I was getting over my panic problems. They were very pronounced even when I was feeling 'up' and better. In my experience, they can be the left-overs of anxiety, harmless, and bound to go away as soon as you relax.

I bet once your doc tells you it's nothing, it'll go away. It's that weird kinda thing we do to ourselves.

Also, would you feel this way if you weren't thinking about ruining a wedding? Think of this: will the wedding *really* be ruined if you have this funny feeling, or can you act normal? I bet you can. Knowing that it'll go ahead fine even if there is no change is something you should think about. If you resign to be at the wedding in good spirits even if you can't cure yourself, it might do wonders for you.