View Full Version : how long can a cold last for

23-04-09, 15:40
ive had this stupid cold for about 2 weeks now, and no sign of it going away ,its just getting worse today my head feels like its going to explode ,and i feel down with it now fed up one thing after another lately

Little Miss Anxious
23-04-09, 16:18
Hi Amanda, I had a real stinker of a cold which came on just before Xmas. It lingered a good 5 or 6 weeks, doctor couldn't give me anything as there was no sign of any infection, I was just run down - just had to keep trying over the counter stuff & topping up on vitamin C.

I didnt feel rubbish all day every day, one day i'd feel ok(ish) then the next day i'd feel lousy again, it really can get you down can't it.

Luckily thats the only time i've had a cold hand around that long - I think the average is 1 to 2 weeks then maybe a bit of a cough afterwards. Hope you feel better soon.

Got a head cold coming on now I think...I have that familiar tickly throat feeling.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Little Miss Anxious
23-04-09, 16:23
p.s the doctor told me to make sure got plenty of sleep as lack of sleep will help a cold stick around, also drink lots of fluids - basically rest up & take good care of yourself to help shift it.....relax & pamper !!

23-04-09, 16:54
Hope you feel better soon Amanda

Carol x

23-04-09, 17:54
ty miss anxious and carol, its a pain in the bum having it for so long hope your not getting it again miss , im not sleping either so maybe im keeping it with me cos of that thanks again both of you


23-04-09, 20:45
Hey lovey,try a bowl of hot water with the crystals in it and breathe the steam,that can aid in a blocked nose and things and get orange juice down you. Vitamin C and all that jazz :)

And ofcourse sleep! Sleep does wonders!!

Our bodies never stop trying to get rid of nasties and heal and it is still working at it when we are asleep.

I've seen me having itchy blotchy skin,no joke and getting upinthe morning and seeing a remarkable difference in it,and that is without putting anything on it!

and this is another one I heard..make yourself roasting.Apparantly it is good to try and sweat out a cold.

Colds are little pests and I can't believe there isn't a cure for it!

24-04-09, 08:04
ty wee mee will def try the steaming as yet another day here and its still bad thanks again

25-04-09, 01:05
Hi Amanda- try a netti pot and musinex for your congestion. You may need antibiotics.

25-04-09, 17:08
ty stressed but im not sure what a netti pot is?