View Full Version : Could I have/had puemonia

23-04-09, 20:19
I have been quite ill recently as I have had a chest infection. I'm not usually one to worry but I am beginning to think that I might have a mild case puemonia. I have had problems with my chest since Christmas I haven't really been able to shake off the infection. I have tried two types of antibiotics recently which made me very ill so I'm not having any more. I cough I have spasms when I can't breathe I bring up green phlem (sorry tmi) I am asthmatic but my inhalers dont seem to do much good. I sing a lot and fortunately apart from Christmas I can still sing as I haven't a sore throat. I'm going to see my own GP as I haven't really had a satisfatory answer from Dr Google. My limbs ache and I had a slight temperature at the docs last week. I'm trying to remain positive but the depression is creeping in that I'm suffering from some awful illness. My husband has BUPA so I will be able to see a chest consultant fairly quickly. I'm just wanting reassurance that I haven't got some dreadful illness. My son is asking why I am always ill. I dont want to die before my time.

23-04-09, 20:29
You poor thing, sounds like you have had a really rough time lately. Was it your own dr that gave you the 2 courses of anti biotics? There are some really really nasty bugs going around at the moment that a lot of people seem to be finding hard to shake off. If I were you I would pop along to your gp and try and get an explanation. Maybe you do need a different kind of anti biotic that is more specific to the infection you may have?
I'm sure its nothing serious as there seem to be a lot of people suffering with one form of infection or another. Try taking some vitamin c also to give your immune system a boost.
Hope you feel better soon hunny.

23-04-09, 20:34
I had phenominia for the 1st time ever in Jan. I alwayd end up with bronchotis when the seasons change from sinus infections that go to my chest. This time I did not feel bad, my chest just hurt and I could not stop coughing up brown stuff. I was told it was communical phenomina and I was barely running a ferver...like 99.9. I did not feel bad at all, I was just really tired. I had a shot and it was gone in a week. Funny thing is that I just had another chest infection, no brown stuff just yellow, with all the same symptoms and it was just bronchotis.
I will say that allergies can cause a sinus infection which can go to your chest and if left untreated can cause phenomnia. Perhaps a netty pot to clean your sinus would help to stop you from getting sick as often.
Also, stress weakens your immune system. I can assume since you are here that you are under a lot of stress. Perhaps a good multivitamin woudl help to keep you healthy.

23-04-09, 20:37
there is a problem here as I dont seem to be able to tolerate antibiotics anymore. They make me very sick and giddy (I have lost 7lbs in three weeks) Even the ones erythromycin which I had had previously I can't tolerate anymore. the other baddie for me was augmentin. I couldn't watch TV as even the waves on the screen made me nauseous.plus the dry heaves. So I'm a little nervous. I am intolerant to a lot of drugs it seems to have got worse as I have got older.

23-04-09, 20:39
I'll ask my GP if I can take a multi vitamin that doesn't interfere with the lithium. OMG I'm such a sickie!

23-04-09, 20:40
That's weird because I was given erythromycin not long ago and I got a bad reaction to it,yet a few years back I took it with no trouble.

23-04-09, 20:49
What about a good antibiotic through a shot rather than pills? Often the pills give me yeast infections

23-04-09, 20:54
Aw hun im sorry your feeling so down and worried right now. Bur i can relate to how your feeling. Like you ive had what seems like non stop colds/flu/infections since last october and its made me feel really depressed and anxious wondering if there was something more sinister happening. Ive been told its mostly due to stress and anxiety as it does cause your immune system to be low so you become more prone to catch bugs that are about, maybe the change in weather will help us all feel a little better!.
Might be an idea to have a chat with your gp and tell him how worried you are and then he would be able to put your mind more at ease.
Your not alone hun
Take care and be kind to yourself

23-04-09, 21:00
Only thing i can seem to take up to now is doxycycline...have reactions to all other antibiotics. i used to be able to take anything except penicillin..im deffo worse as i gotten older too.

23-04-09, 23:19
I have been quite ill recently as I have had a chest infection. I'm not usually one to worry but I am beginning to think that I might have a mild case puemonia. I have had problems with my chest since Christmas I haven't really been able to shake off the infection. I have tried two types of antibiotics recently which made me very ill so I'm not having any more. I cough I have spasms when I can't breathe I bring up green phlem (sorry tmi) I am asthmatic but my inhalers dont seem to do much good. I sing a lot and fortunately apart from Christmas I can still sing as I haven't a sore throat. I'm going to see my own GP as I haven't really had a satisfatory answer from Dr Google. My limbs ache and I had a slight temperature at the docs last week. I'm trying to remain positive but the depression is creeping in that I'm suffering from some awful illness. My husband has BUPA so I will be able to see a chest consultant fairly quickly. I'm just wanting reassurance that I haven't got some dreadful illness. My son is asking why I am always ill. I dont want to die before my time.


I can so relate to what your going through and i do feel for you. I am asthmatic and suffer many chest infections. I was on antibiotics on and off from just after Christmas until Feb. The only ones that suit me is doxycycline, i had about 3 lots and during the last lot i decided i wasn't going to take anymore as i felt that my body had had enough and i worried that if i needed antibiotics for any other infection they wouldn't work.

My chest is a lot better although not completely clear, i had a chest xray today. I do believe it was a viral infection i had and of course antibiotics are a complete waste of time if it's viral. I have also lost weight...so your not alone:huh:

Go back to your GP and get him/her to check you out. I hope you start to feel better soon:)

Trish x

23-04-09, 23:58
I have found that taking the herbal tablet pelagonium has cleared up most sinus or chest infections - lots of news about it in the media saying its as good as an antibiotic- I have taken it for years to good effect. It costs about £9 for a 10 day course and has no known side effects and if available from alot of chemists.

worth a try

24-04-09, 00:41
Wow, thanks for that Countrygirl. I suffer from sinus often and it moves to my chest every single time. I am not on allergy meds and a sinus rinse 2 times a day so i hope I won't get another but if I do, I am going to try this.