View Full Version : just when i thought it was gone....

23-04-09, 21:05
ive had a good couple of days but today has been horrible. ive had a weird tingly feeling on my fingertips and im in full scale panic mode AGAIN. ive also had pains in my head that come and go and full time butterflies.

ive had enough of this.....dont know how many more days i can take feeling like this.....im convinced im having a stroke or a heart attack.....or something else serious.

help me :weep:

23-04-09, 21:08
Hi there

Trust me you would know if you were having a heart attack or a stroke.

This is just a blip - we all get them from time to time I am afraid.

23-04-09, 21:09
i feel so stupid. its like im totally losing control of my life. im scared to move in case something happens.

23-04-09, 21:11
Just hang in there hun. I know with anxiety that everytime we have a bad "feeling" we figure this is it...this is the end. Well it's not. Think back to all of the times you have had "funny" feelings. I am sure like myself it has been a lot. You're still here! You are a very healthy individual that is just going through a rough patch. Don't let your anxiety win. Just stare it in the face and say enough already! :mad: If you need anything, feel free to PM me at any time. I am always here for a chat.

23-04-09, 21:11
Hang on in there missy,
Think back to the good days you've just had. It's just a blip. Everyone gets them. The butterflies are the tell tale sign of the anxiety. Try and get a good nights sleep.

take care


23-04-09, 21:14
And don't feel stupid. You aren't. A good technique that I have learned is that you breath in for 4 seconds and exhale for 6. This is good for 2 reasons. First, it controls your breathing and loosens your chest and secondly, you focus on counting instead of anxiety. You can make it thru this little rough spot. I know it. :hugs:

23-04-09, 21:18
I said somewhere else toight that our body just does things sometimes that is odd but it's nothing serious.

The other night I could have SWORN there was a bug or something on my head crawling about and it wen ton for the WHOLE day..I was out and kept hitting my head..must have looked a right nutcase but there wasn't anything on my head!

I started getting the "c" thoughts and forced myself to shut up and lo and behold,the next dayit was gone.

Pleas please PLEASE try not focus.

I'm positive they will fade.