View Full Version : should i try.....

24-04-09, 08:55
hi ,been thinking lately bout trying different things to help my anxiety.
i've heard hypnotherapy can be helpful but i dont know if i believe in it enough to pay the money they want.
i've also thought bout trying self help books.has anyone had a good book they've tried and has worked for them or has anyone got any advice on any other ways to help anxiety.
any advice would be great
eeyore xxx:unsure:

24-04-09, 09:04
hi eeyore

I tried meds, therapy and selfhelp books. Out of those, self help books worked best for me (Claire Weekes).

I have heard positive and negative things about hypnotherapy, and I do know it can be fairly costly (is it 6 sessions you need? that rings a bell).

Self help books are typically around a tenner, I would suggest maybe trying the cheap option first and evaluated it before shelling out loads of cash.

There is audio (MP3) files in the NMP shop to download for free, I found then a terrific help when I was at my worst.

Exercise is great for tackling anxiety. If you look at anxiety as "the fight or flight" system kicking in for no reason, then exercise gives it an oppurtunity to "knock itself out".

It can take some time to find what works best (and ultimately, gets you back to your old self) but I think there is a culture to get on meds too quickly and not explore other avenues.

Good luck


24-04-09, 09:42
Hi eeyore,

I'm one of those who suffer quite a bit from anxiety and I've tried a lot of the things out there. I have to say that the doc has put me on propranolol and for me they do work quite well. They just take the 'edge' off my anxiety, paranoia whatever you call it.
I also practice mindfulness meditation, which I think will help me in the long term and hopefully I won't need the meds long term.
I suppose different things work for different people. I do a heck of a lot of exercise, but I doesn't really help my anxiety. Although the endorphin hit is good!
Good luck anyway.

24-04-09, 14:29
Hi, I have just started with Hypnotherapy so i'll let you know, i had my 1st session last week and i have to say i did come out of it relaxed but also found it pretty wierd, i am going to try a couple of more sessions and see how it goes.....

25-04-09, 08:27
thanks all for your advice.xxx

25-04-09, 09:12

I have read Claire weeks books which were helpful and I have recently started reading 'At last a life' by Paul David which is fantastic.

Hope you feel better soon.

Sharona :)