View Full Version : Eye Problems

24-04-09, 10:28

Just after a little bit of advice please about my eye.

It seems to be one thing after another latley with my health problems, its no fun getting older:weep: !

The last couple of month i have been having problems with my left eye. My husband as been nagging me to book a appointment with the optician but me been me kept putting it off. Anyway this morning plucked up the courage and made a appointment but the optician sounded very concerned and requested i see her first thing in the morning and stated it was very very important that i keep the appointment so now im thinking something bad is wrong!
Anyway, for a few month i have had on and off zig zag bright lines appearring in my vision that usually went away after around 10 mins. but the last couple of month i have had like a dark shadow in my vision which is constantly there and also little like black dots when i look around like little flys.

Has anybody else had these kind of symptoms in thier sight?

Any replies would be most gratefull, Thankyou.

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

24-04-09, 10:36
the little dots are knoiwn as eye floaters. they are no harm, i have them alot when anxious. and had an eye check a week and half ago and my eyes where healthy enougb apparently. i see them alot more in the last 5 days coz i think about them.

Im not to sure about the zig zags or the shadow though. please keep us informed.

24-04-09, 15:06
The zig zaggy things are ocular migranes and usually there is not treatment required. They can happen when under stress or hormone changes, etc. I am sure everything will be just fine (I had those to) but keep us posted.

25-04-09, 11:48

Many thanks for the replies.

I went this morning to see the optician, she did a few tests and put drops in my eyes. She wasnt too sure what the problem was but thought it could be a jelly like substance that we have behind our eyes breaking up and thats why i see the black dots. She said my Pressure was high behind my eyes also. My sister and mum suffer with Glaucoma so she thought it best to refer me to hospital to have a ultra sound scan on my eyes. So im still no wiser really.

Have to wait for hospital appoitment now but will update you when i have been.

Thanks so much

25-04-09, 12:26
Hi hun,

Well done on going this morning! :hugs:

My ex has glaucoma like your family too, which was picked up last year but I'm not sure if he has tablets for it or what.

I think we're getting to that funny age of bits playing up mate. :mad:

Let us know how the scan goes when you get the appt through. I'm sure if there were a major prob she would have been able to see it straight away and is just sending you for the scan to be thorough.

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-04-09, 12:49
Hi Honeybee

Like you Glaucomo runs in my family so anything that appears wrong with my eyes the optician is extremely thorough. I think like Piglet that if it were anything major the optician would have seen it but they just want to make certain because of your family history.

Hope it all goes well for you and they find nothing to worry about.

Carol x

25-04-09, 13:14
Hi Honeybee, don't know where you live, but I would suggest you pay a visit to your nearest Hospital with an A & E Eye Department as soon as possible next week. As the others have said your problems may just be due to migraines and floaters, but I had similar problems to you and was diagnosed with a torn retina - it's the 'dark shadow' effect you describe and the 'leaking gel' that makes me wonder as I had that. It's nothing to be frightened of, but it does need attention if that's what it is, as a detached retina would be much more difficult to fix. I'm not trying to alarm you, but would suggest you get it checked out properly - surprised the optician didn't suggest it. Do let me know what happens and DON'T WORRY, HOSPITALS ARE ROUTINELY DEALING WITH TORN RETINAS ALL THE TIME - BUT THEY SHOULD NOT BE IGNORED. If you want to PM me please do. Best wishes, Helen

25-04-09, 17:34
Thanks for the replies Piglet, Carol and Helen.:hugs:

Helen would the Opticain be able to tell with the tests if its a torn Retina? The optician told me to go to my GP first thing next week and give her a letter she had written so my GP can do the referral to the hospital. I have been naughty and sneaked the letter open, there are some comments for referall on the letter but the writing is atroshous.lol I dont know how she expects the GP to read it! lol
Anyway, 1 comment says abnormally high BP, the other says something about a retina( i cant read it properlly) so when i see the gp i will ask what it means. I should have really asked the opticain but i was there and hour and just wanted to get out in the end!:ohmy: , im not good with appointments. and the drops she put me in made my eye sting and blurry and have made my sight worse all afternoon!

Piglet the opticain told me off for not having my eyes tested for so long especially after telling her about Glaucoma been in the family. My sister and mum have drops they put in thier eyes every so many hours but me been me hating anything medical and having my body tampered with have just put it off:blush: . I was expecting to pay £25 too for the test but if you have glaucoma in the family its free:yesyes: !

Your certainly right about the bits of our bodies starting to go as we get older.lol , im never away from the doctors lately, its one thing after another!
At the moment i have 3 blood test appointments waiting to happen and a bottle to poo and pee in ..lol , then there was the scan for my womb the other week and also the cancer mole scare! I think im gonna get a tent and camp out side the surgery.lol might be easier!:scared15:

Me thinks i need a body transplant !!!!!lol

Thanks all !

25-04-09, 20:48
You must keep the appointment. I feel vert proud of you for going to see the optition. Let them sort this out for you. It must be frightning for you. Sending you my good wishes and support. Bob

25-04-09, 22:07
Actually my ex does also have high blood pressure too (has begun to take tablets for it) and now you mention the drops I remember that is what he does each day (according to the piglets).

Also funny to mention about the torn retina because he also had that 2 years ago and then something similiar just back in Nov - I have to say though he was in no doubt at all that something was very badly wrong with his eye - it certainly wasn't just a niggly thing, he really did know something wasn't at all right. So I think you would really be even more aware Andy and you would probably have gone straight to the hospital like he did.

I'm sure if your optician had any doubt whatsoever she would have sent you straight to hospital too and missed out the doctor altogether.

Let us know how you get on Monday love.

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-09, 01:48
Hi Honeybee, I don't know whether your optician would have been able to tell if your retina was torn. They obviously used the drops to dilate your pupils to see the backs of your eyes - that's why you couldn't see properly for several hours afterwards - but don't know what their expertise was beyond that - and they did give you the letter for your GP. The hospital will also have to use the dilation drops to check your retinas properly - they wear off after about 4 to 5 hours. I find they wear off more quickly if I flush my eyes with Optrex Dry Eye drops as soon as I get home. Would suggest you take someone with you to the hospital and definitely don't drive. If you have a hospital with an Emergency Eye Department I would cut out going to the GP and go straight to the hospital - they can deal with anything immediately if necessary. The GP won't be able to do anything anyway if you do have a torn retina - just give you another referral letter. My retinas have been tearing for the last two years, it's a nuisance, but I know what to expect now and just go to the hospital if it happens and they fix it. Hope you get things sorted out very soon. All the best, Helen