View Full Version : Normal anxiety feelings?

24-04-09, 11:36
I am confused. I have been on Fluoxetine for 2 weeks after my GP advised that this would be the best course of action for me. I now have awful nausea and upset stomach (wind, pains, diarrhoea) all day every day and actually feel worse! Somewhat highly agitated. I now wonder whether this is normal to feel like this on Fluoxetine or if my stomach has gone into an IBS spiral and feeding the anxiety. The symptoms are so strong that I can't focus on much else.

25-04-09, 02:29
The two week point is always the worst for side affects. They often fade out after around a month or so. But talk to your doctor, they know more medical stuff than I do. I always feel like hell at the two week point when trying different anti depressants trying to get the right one. The one that was right for me had the worst side affects ever like nightmares, difficulty breathing to the point of gasping when trying to sleep, vivid images in my mind, full uneasy doom feelings, dizziness, difficulty seeing like my vision was going in & out. They have faded out now.

If that helps???