View Full Version : Hello! Stresshead here!

24-04-09, 11:54

Found this site through randomly searching on Google & it seems to be full of panicky, anxiety ridden people like me. I thought I was on my own & no one else seems to understand how I think, but it seems I'm not on my own!

Basically I am a worrier. I worry about everything & anything & I get so wound up that I can't eat & I feel sick.

Since I was small I've always had a fear of buildings collapsing (whilst I'm in them). This can be set off by many things. I used to think my bedroom floor was going to collapse because I didn't think it could take the weight of my bed, wardrobe etc etc.
Also if I am in a place where there is loud music playing, concert, party I get panicky & go light headed because I think the vibrations will make the ceiling fall down or the speakers will explode.
I was at the 02 the other day & I sat & quietly got myself into a state because I couldn't see how the stadium was holding up so many people & thought that it would all collapse.

My worrying is not just confined to that though. Any little thing will set me off. I worry that things will overheat & catch fire like the TV, washing machine, boiler or just anything at all really.

I'm scared of ceiling fans, especially if they wobble as I think they will come flying off.

Also in the car, I'm scared the tyres will burst or if the car is full of people that the structure will fail because of the weight & it'll crash.

I feel like such an idiot. I know these fears are irrational & I can't think of anything that set it off from when I was younger, but I can't help it. I have no idea whether I suffer from anxiety or panic attacks or whether what I suffer from even has a name. I can control it to a certain extent but it's getting worse as I get older. I'm 30 now by the way.

Sorry for the long introduction!!!!

24-04-09, 12:33
i suffer with anxiety/panic attacks n someimes have extreme thoughts like yours. if train makes a strange noisr i fear it will crash etc.

my councilor said these are irrational extreme thoughts tht need to be answr to prevent my panicing. hink to your self has tht every happend if so how often its probably realy rare. etc answer thoss question in you head maybe nt when your in a state but wen i calm down.

i write them on a small pad n answer wen i calm next time i panic i look at my ansers to ease my self

24-04-09, 12:52
Hello and Welcome to NMP , You will get lots of advice support and understanding here , glad you found the site , Take care , best wishes Dusky:welcome: x

24-04-09, 13:27
Thank you for all your welcome messages.

I've googled all my symptons & reckon I've got Generalised Anxiety Disorder as I seem to fit it. I'm the sort of person who would never EVER go to the doctors (I don't even think I'm registered with one anymore) in case they tell me I have some serious disease - yes I worry about that too!

My boyfriend begged me to have a smear test what with all the Jade Goody stuff & I finally had my first one at the end of Feb but after 8 weeks still haven't had the results so I've been stressing about that too because I think that because I have left it so long that there will definitely be something wrong.

I also have the thoughts that I'm bound to get cancer etc etc because bad things always happen to me (I had my tonsils & adenoids removed when I was 10 which went wrong & I haemorraged & was told it only happens to 3 or 4 people a year). I can't bring myself to do the checks that women should do in case I find any lumps!

I irritate myself & my boyfriend & family get so frustrated with me because I don't seem to help myself, but I'm a big scaredy cat!

24-04-09, 14:48
Hi Amethysta,

Welcome to NMP. It does sound like you suffer with GAD and perhaps some health anxiety too due to your bad experience with your tonsils. I also suffer with GAD and a huge fear of dentists due to a bad experience when I was young with dentists. I have to get gas just to get my teeth cleaned! I always have the "what ifs" about everything, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. We question everything. There is counseling out there that will help you alot called CBT. You can read about it here on the forum under Therapys. Also, look to the left of the screen and there are many answers to some of your questions there too. I'm so glad you went and had a woman's screening as that is of the utmost importantance, good for your boyfriend and you too for going even though you were scared. You will find that many here feel like you do and you will get their support.

Take care,


Vanilla Sky
24-04-09, 15:58
Hi and welcome to NMP, you have found the right place. Something must have happened when you were small to trigger this of, can you remember what it was ? It sounds then as if its escalated into other things to do with collapsing and weight, and now its turned into GAD . Im sure you can get over this, you will gets loads of support on here Love Paige x

24-04-09, 16:36
Not sure what started it really, I've never been in a building that's collapsed! I do tend to make things worse by watching those programmes on TV about building disasters. There was one about a dancefloor in Israel that collapsed from people dancing on it, so that makes me feel really great & it always goes through my mind if I am at a party or music concert where people are jumping about. I end up going to the toilet or outside to take deep breaths until I am brave enough to go back in.

Even by researching to get over my fear, I end up finding things to make it worse!

I have a memory from when I was about 7 & my brother who was a baby & crawling knocked the stereo, & made the volume go up to the maximum & it made me jump & panic for a bit until my mum turned it down. For some reason I have never forgotten that episode.

Also when I was small, I remember seeing a car that had crashed that had a wheel missing. So since then, I have had it in my mind that the wheels can fall off so I always think it will happen.

It sounds so stupid but it's almost as if my brain is over analysing everything & I have to reason with it all the time to calm myself down.

Most people think I'm daft!!!