View Full Version : My new job according to my Psychiatrist

18-08-05, 11:39
Is to work at slowly getting better. She says people who have no experience of anxiety and depression have no concept or idea of how terrible it feels.

I asked her how on earth people seem to fit in busy social lives, children, hectic jobs, holidays etc into their lives and I feel outside looking in at all this.

She said thats because generally the ones you see do suffer from serious illness...thats why.

You wouldnt see someone with cancer or seriuos heart disease beibg critisised for taking it easy, thats the way it is.

I feel very anxious at the moment , I am 4 weeks into sertraline but I am going to keep going, she says it may be over the next week or so that the medication starts to help a bit, but its a very worrying time, she seems really nice (and very attractive too !!!) and said if Sertraline doesnt help she will try anafranil sr ??

Anyway my new career is personal stress management consultant to, to myself !!

18-08-05, 11:59
Quite right too Frankie!!!

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-08-05, 13:19
Good job .. learn well.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-08-05, 13:59
Thanks ladies

18-08-05, 16:45
Defo! LOL

Take care,

Love Pip's X X

18-08-05, 17:34
And you pips