View Full Version : hormone imablance (ADMENYOSIS) CAUSE panic attack, anxiety

24-04-09, 16:45
i am having lot of problem with my menses, having very painful cramps and heavy bleeding in March, so doc put me on noristerone to stop the bleeding it's 2 cycles, but suddenly today my bleed starts after 2 days of painful body aching and dizzy, light headedness, but the dizzy and ligh headed never end. i am not sure am i having pms symptom, menopause or hormone imbalance or adenmyosis symptom. my body is haywire badly. it started this early this yr.the worst is my head is so stiff tense, can't think and move, like dizzy and light headed. sometimes when i am sitting, i felt so so tense tthat i can't even move my body or head, if i move i feel i may collapse, so i hold on so tightly to myself or hurt myself to make me feel the pain of my poking than to distract me. my head felt like exploding and so stif. what is that? before few years back i have tension headache (its ok better than what i feel now) at least tension headache i can control the pain but this pain i can't controll what is that thing"the doc don't seem to know what is it, and keep on giving me librax, espin . it don't seem to go away. is there any connection bewtween hormone imablance, heavy menes, cos i am taking hormone tablet to stop the menses could that cos me having all this, i am so confuse. sometimes it happen out of the blue. then it's ok hten it happen again, could it be stress. can stress cos endometeris or admenoysis or hormone imbalnace?i am ha=ving painful menses cramp, headache, tense body, aching body, weak, dizzy, light headed feeling these days, dont' know why. am i going to be mad, crazy or what.

24-04-09, 19:53
Hello Alba,you sound like you are having a very bad time at the moment, could you tell me when these bad headaches started? were they after you started taking the norestirone? and how long have you been taking it? Did you mean you are taking Aspirin ?.as i have never heard of espin. Iwill reply to your post again with some better information when you let me know the answers to my questions. Sue

25-04-09, 03:39
i have been having tis headache on and off since last year it started, then it stop and now it's backagain. i cannot sleep whole night, my brain is feeling so tense and alert very strict feeling, like i can't move around. thanks

25-04-09, 14:00
Hi Alba, i sympathise with what you are going through.I think your headaches are made worse by the progesterone ,this can often cause dreadful headaches. I suffered very bad myself with this years ago ,and changing the tablets ,stopped the bad heads.I Also had heavy irregular periods with bad pain and cramps,just like you.I was checked out at the hospital and was given a MIRENA COIL. ,it has been absolutely marvelous,no more problems what so ever.Perhaps you could ask your Dr if it would be possible to have one fitted? as your medication doesnt seem to be working for you. All the best Sue:hugs:

25-04-09, 17:53
is it good mirena coil, my gynae ask me to use mireana coil, but she insist of doing the D&C first to check for any abnormalities, but i 've done twice D*C in 2003, 2006 showed normal. but she insist of doing D&C again. i am afarid of any side effect for mirena coil. i thought hormone imablance can be cured by progesterone. hv u taken noreistherone? thanks.is it painful for mirena coil and is there any complication?