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24-04-09, 21:25
so I've recently been choking alot, spasming in the throat and I think I know whats causing it. Its pretty disgusting but has anyone ever brought up a small hard white ball thing from their throat? Tonsil stones I think they're called/ I've had this before and I can definitely feel one in there, just ready to come out, in fact I brought up a small one the other night.

Thing is I'm petrified I will bring it up and it will be too big and I will choke and die. I dont know what to do

25-04-09, 00:19
Hi Ribbon

My daughter use to suffer with bringing up 'white balls' but i never knew what they were.She suffered with them a lot when she was in her teens and would cough and cough.

I don't know if she still does, i will ask her tomorrow when i see her, i know they use to be really annoyimg for her....but she never choked on them.

I hope they clear up for you.

I will be in touch.

Trish x

25-04-09, 22:49
Hi Ribbon

My daughter does not suffer with this anymore but she did go to her gp years ago and he said it was 'pockets of infections' that collected.

She said that there were times when they were difficult to bring up once they were dislodge.

How old are you Ribbon? Hopefully these 'stones' will disappear for you to.

Trish x

06-06-09, 03:43
the toncils have small holes, like little crevises, and small pieces of food get stuck in them and they catch bacteria. its really gross,but what you cough up will be small enough to fit into the small holes of your tonsils, very small, you won't choke, just cough alot.

06-06-09, 13:12
You can actually watch films of them being removed on You Tube:yesyes:

06-06-09, 18:10
Hi Ribbon. I have had these tonsil stones on and off for years, I was told that the infection in the tonsil is similar to the tartar you get on your teeth and in fact these "cheesy" white lumps are very smelly. I can usually feel one in my tonsil just before I manage to get one up, in fact I had one last week and it came up when I sneezed, but I had been coughing a lot for a few days before. I have never had a huge one, I think the tonsil would not be able to hold it if they got too big so don't worry, they are normal for a lot of people.

06-06-09, 18:50
Well how interesting, my son used to bring these up, I never knew what they were. He is 16 now, i'll ask him if he still gets them aswell.

Emma xx

07-06-09, 01:50
I think I have had these too,kindof makes you gag but I sorta thought(sorry for being stinking) that it wa hard phlegm or something, or something to that effect..hmm.. and yes they smell! xxxxxxxxxxx

10-11-09, 13:55
I am currently having trouble with these. I dislodge them at night (yucky!) and then promptly have more the next night. I used to worry about these incessantly, but spoke with an ENT who told me that they are quite common and nothing to worry about at all. I would not worry about choking on one...they rarely grow large enough to cause that kind of issue.

I am ready to have a tonsillectomy to get rid of them, but only because they smell absolutely terrible and make me not want to talk to anyone. Mine never go away either. I no longer worry abouth them causing any trouble health wise, just think they are gross in my case. They actually made me quit smoking because I thought there was something terribly wrong with me...not such a bad thing in the end :winks: