View Full Version : Is there any cure?

25-04-09, 02:34
My newest symptom is depersonalization. And it's the absolute worse. I thought the feeling of not being able to breath was at my best, but this new symtom tops it.
I got it at the beginning of the month and i just go into these blank stares and feeling that i'm not here, and question my life; if this is ever going to get away. I mean how can I go being awesome from the beginning of this january; to feeling like i'm not even living but more dead now?
I blame my self most of the time for thinking things way out of context. I shouldn't of freaked out when i started to get those horrible headaches when they were all stress related.. and now i just physically burned my self out to where i got this depersonalization.

Is there any cure for this? Besides medication.
I was everything in my will power to tell my parents, but i'm afraid they would be ashamed if there blessed daughter actually had a mental condition. They wouldn't want to face the rest of the family if I had to see a psychiatrist.

But for those of you that suffered it, does it get better? Because I've lost all hope yesterday.

25-04-09, 03:21

I'm afraid there isn't a cure other than a lot of hard work. You have made a big start in venting your feelings & asking for help.

I can't stress enough THERE IS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED ABOUT FOR HAVING A MENTAL ILLNESS! That's rubbish! You are still a wonderful & worthwhile person. Anyone who tells you anything different is an ignorant moron who wouldn't know what it's like to be sad or afraid at all because all they feel is their own selfishness & immaturity. (Hmmm.... sensing a little old anger there. kids picked on me for having depression at school. What a bunch of losers). I'm much more successful than they are because my anxiety gave me the drive & determination to keep pushing through the difficult stuff life throws at everyone.

It does get better! I promise. Not overnight unfortunately.

If you can't tell your parents, there may be a counsillor available who you can talk to about it. Medication isn't the only way to deal with it. Many people choose this option because the condition grows over the years if you don't face up to it & sometimes that's the only way people can cope. There is no shame in taking medication.

I can't help but question if your fear of facing your parents is part of the anxiety. Are they really that judgemental? Wouldn't they just do everything they could to help you? Why would the rest of the family have to find out?

If you aren't ready yet, keep talking to us. We understand & will help as best as we can. You will know when you are ready. I must stress that the sooner you can admit to this & start to get help, the sooner you can start to get well. I know from experience that it won't go away by ignoring it.

You aren't allowed to feel ashamed of yourself ok! We're all in the same boat. It is a lifetime thing, as you grow up, you find out what you can & can't do & develop the maturity & insight to deal with what you have in the best way possible.

25-04-09, 07:53
Hi There, As you know from my post yesterday I felt pretty defeated yesterday, but I feel alot better after a good rest.. This is the first time i've had D/P and D/R with anxiety and it feels horrible and scary but I see it for what it is... a symptom! nothing more and it can be dealt with like all the rest. I am trying hard to carry on doing everything I would normally, i'm working, see friends, reading etc etc and its gettign better and better with the odd blip.. please have hope this will pass! xx