View Full Version : Panic attack/anxiety attack give-aways...

25-04-09, 09:49
Hey guys,

Do you guys do anything with your bodys or hands when you feel like you are gunna go into a panic attack?

I start rubbing my hands really hard together really hard and strart rubbing my face when i start to get them feelings coming on.

Im wondering whether to stop doing this, as i am associating these movements with a panic attack and when i start doing them i might be making myself believe that im going to have one?

What are your tell tale signs and your advice? :)

25-04-09, 14:07
Hi Lawton,

My panic attacks strike me when my pain is bad. It makes me remember the cruel people I had to deal with when my pain was at its worst.

Those people are long gone. My emotions remain. I try to be rational about my emotions. I know I can breathe! Maybe I matter a little? My panic attacks are always gone in minutes. Just have to last a couple of minutes thats all. I can make it a couple of minutes. i know i can!

We can all last the 10 minutes or so of a panic attack, no matter what our fears tell us!


25-04-09, 15:46
Hey melody!

Thanks for the reply!

I tottally understand what you are saying. Altho i know the actual panic attack may last 10-20 mins..... i seem to have a big build up to mine......which can be an hour gradually getting worse and worse and then a long come down which can be about 4-5 hours.....so it actually feels like panic attacks to me can last as long as 7 hours!.....Also when i calm down from my panic attack....i still have the constant de-realization to do with....cant describe to you how annoying and hurt i get when i calm down to open my eyes and everything seems soo surreal still.

Im a positive guy tho and i would rather die trying (sorry to be so crude) then not try and live a life i dont want to. So im getting myself out no matter how hard it may be, and im putting myself in situations i know i cant handle or will feel bad....sometimes this works and sometimes it doesnt.... but im not gunna be 22 and not see any of my friends again or not experiance the wind blowing against my skin, or the heat of the sun across my face!

Have a great weekend

10-05-09, 07:41
I have the classic grab to the back of the head/neck area... I often notice people dealing with anxiety and at this point in my life i can spot someone having an anxiety attack a mile away. The funny thing is that people who have not had any real issues with anxiety usually cant tell anything is happening.

11-05-09, 17:30
when i have one its like going into another world where its just you and the attack and mine seem to last for ages.I often end up at casulty sometimes i will go in and sometimes i will stand outside it makes me feel safe some how cant do that for ever though ill try anything.

11-05-09, 17:50

12-05-09, 04:20
Usually the first second I feel an attack coming I jump up and grab my head..and pull my hair back tight...this is a dead giveaway to my husband, he knows exactly whats going on...

13-05-09, 15:19
I have the classic grab to the back of the head/neck area... I often notice people dealing with anxiety and at this point in my life i can spot someone having an anxiety attack a mile away. The funny thing is that people who have not had any real issues with anxiety usually cant tell anything is happening.

hey what do you mean by this? i think i get something similar but can't describe it. also .. sometimes at night when about to sleep, always when laying down.. i feel suddenly like i can't move, can't breathe, and it only lasts for like 5 seconds.. it's so weird. it used to turn into a full on panic but now i just let it pass. what is that ??

15-05-09, 20:10
my tummy starts to churn, then i worry anbout my tummy which then makes it churn more, its just like a whirlpool sucking me down, i try putting my mind into or onto soe=mething else, i figure if i fill my brain with other stuff it wont have time to dwell, say ing that i had one yesterday whilst watching the start trek film, ace film but i still had to get out at the beginning and go off to the loo. hey ho, better luck next time

15-05-09, 20:44
I seem to get mine when outdoors......I feel safer when in my own house. I tend to start to think im walking differently and think my vision starts to go sort of hazy. I start to walk faster, think faster and things seem bright and then dim. I hate when de-realisation/personilisation sets in as i feel the need to get home quickly, also the off balance/dizziness isnt nice. I get my p.a as approaching the school when im taking/dropping my young son off, but i try all the time to distract myself when there.

16-05-09, 23:07
I start pulling at my fringe (hair) running over my eyes and also start bouncing my leg by tapping my foot.

Then the real panic sets in because i know im expecting one......:mad: :lac:

18-05-09, 23:54
I find myself figetting lots with my hands and either flicking my cheekbones with my fingers or running my hands up and down the other arm just before I get a panic attack or when I'm feeling slightly anxious. My legs usually go shaky too. To try and hide this nervousness I sit on my hands but then it normally just draws more attention to myself and my legs shake more....

19-05-09, 01:13
I tend to pinch myself, and rub my neck when im anxious..I've heard someone say before people with anxiety do this because it draws attention to another area of the body, other then the panic symptoms. makes sense i guess.

04-03-11, 21:51
I seem to get mine when outdoors......I feel safer when in my own house. I tend to start to think im walking differently and think my vision starts to go sort of hazy. I start to walk faster, think faster and things seem bright and then dim. I hate when de-realisation/personilisation sets in as i feel the need to get home quickly, also the off balance/dizziness isnt nice. I get my p.a as approaching the school when im taking/dropping my young son off, but i try all the time to distract myself when there.
Mine always start so quick ive always found it impossible to get on top of them. Also Ive only really had them at work (i work in a call centre, lots of ppl around which i think doesnt help) i get a horrible freezing cold feeling (if youve ever had a general anaesthetic youll know the feeling) it starts at the bottom of my legs and travels very quickly up my body, by the time its reached my neck/ head (which takes seconds) Im dizzy cant breath and feel very disorientated and sick and most of all, terrified. Does anyonr else go thru this. The attack can be full blown in just a few seconds with no warning

05-03-11, 06:35
I have the classic grab to the back of the head/neck area... I often notice people dealing with anxiety and at this point in my life i can spot someone having an anxiety attack a mile away. The funny thing is that people who have not had any real issues with anxiety usually cant tell anything is happening.

That is not a reaction to a panic attack only. It is a reaction every person has in moment of uncomfortable situation. Telling a lie, answering questions when are guilty, they are not signs of panic. They are signs of insincerity, being uncomfortable.

05-03-11, 06:50
I am surprised as many dwell on the issues they have when not in turmoil. I would think the last thing you would want is to be pushed into others nightmares when you have a little free time for yourself.
Almost enjoying the micro culture/attention it could be said?

I'm not looking to make enemies, but what gives with dwelling on this stuff. It is the nature of the beast I know, but I wish some would join the boat and speak what needs to be spoken, dwelling is not a topic on a forum of people who suffer from dwelling.
Probs just me, but iC there is nothing to yap about, why yap about probs everyone is trying to avoid.

15-03-11, 15:50
When i feel the panic i tap my chest or pull out my mobile phone to play a song on it. When im having my sleep panics i tap the bedroom wall, whistle , tap my chest and/Or open the window...