View Full Version : Feeling so shakey

25-04-09, 11:11
Hi everyone,i am really struggling at the mo,my nerves.are so bad.Feelso shakey,im atwork in myf lorist shop buti dont want to be here at all.Everyhting is getting me down and i cannotsee any light at the end of the tunnel.I tryand keep positive but with mybusiness struggling,trying to keep aroof overme and the childrens heads despite being physically unwell is taking its toll on me.Last month i was prettymuch stalked and had to get the police involved which has rockedmy confidence and left me feeling even more alone.I have no friends or family here,i cant move nearmy family either because of money.I just cant stopworrying andi amso damn tired.

25-04-09, 11:35
Hi ali
I reckon your doing a fantastic job of keeping your own shop going despite
all your problems and to be honest theres not many that could do that so you definately have a inner strength there.

Hopefully business will pick up in next few months as i think everyone is feeling it the now and the stalker issue would not have helped your nerves one bit,weirdos everywhere eh ,my own way dealing with life is the one day at a time scenario and where i used to worry about everything i only concentrate on the day in question and tommorrow is a different day.

You need a break,maybe a holiday or a few days home to be with family but i know thats outta question with shop ect,even a few nights good sleep can work wonders on outlook and a few decent orders in also could recharge those batteries.
For what its worth your doing a remarkable job under pressure ,try and pamper yourself more at night,think of the good things in life,i know theres not much but maybe how well the children are doing and take it one day now ali.
you take care and i hope theres a queue at the shop and you sell out.

25-04-09, 13:45
ali your doing best you can and should be proud of youself for that sorry you wentr through that last month how awful we are all here for you anytime you need

25-04-09, 13:49
Aww ali,

I really hope things pick up for you soon, i can understand how hard it must be and especially when you want to move near your family, you can only do what you can hun and you're doing your best.

I hope things improve for you..........real soon

di xx

25-04-09, 13:53
hi ali

its true what people are saying you are doing a good job and trying to keep your shop going taking care of your children ect.
i know how hard it is to try run a business when things are not going well.

keep your chin up ali ,i hope things pick up for you very soon.

jodie xx:hugs:

25-04-09, 14:48
I really admire you. Running a business, a home, children, Wowe, no wonder you are tired. You must be a really strong person. It's easy for other people to say but it sounds like you need a break. Children see things and may comfort you.
I suffer from depression and anxiety which has led me down some dark avenues. I can recognise your despare and thinking. We can give you support and listen. If you want I'll be your internet friend, just someone who you can let it all out to. We will never meet but we can chat.
Thats all I've got to offer you.

25-04-09, 20:05
So sorry to hear you are feeling so bad Ali!:hugs: You sound like you are exhausted.It must be so much pressure on you all the time with your shop and family,i dont know how you do it.As for the stalker i can say ,how absolutely awful this is ,i was stalked myself for months and can relate to how it has made you feel, Sick twisted s-d. Hope the police were of help to you?. Try not to let it frighten you ,sounds like a silly thing to say ,i know ! but thats what they do it for. It must be hard having no family to help you when you feel so tired,but try to get some early nights and catch up with some sleep. Hope things pick up in the shop soon and keep your chin up !:bighug1: :bighug1: lots of hugs Sue x:bighug1:

25-04-09, 20:52
Thanks for your replies,i feel so low still,guess it wont just go away just like that.I dont feel very strong at all,i just feel downtrodden and walked over.My lovely business is going to pot,i may loose my beautiful house and what about my 4 dogs?What will happen to them?I know i might be jumping the gun.Im closing the shop in December unless another tenant can be found for the shop.Im going to work from home doing my flowers and hoping that with much less overheads things might improve.I would love for someone to look after me for a change,would be so lovely.Ive lost my confidence in everything,how on earth do you get that back?????

25-04-09, 23:09

I really wish i could help you. You will get thru this, no matter what hurdles/worries/concerns and fears u have had , u always get up each day and remain fighting.
Please dont give up, I will help all i can.
You will get ur confidence back, dont let that sicko affect u anymore than he has already.

Here for u always hun.

Love ya, Karen xxxx

25-04-09, 23:40
Ali, if you ever fancy a chat in the Cornmarket cafe (Now my favourite place at 8 in the morning)! please feel free. I can leave work early, and that'll be nice. Unfourtunately I will be leaving my job in 4 weeks for one in Trowbridge, but during the next few weeks just drop me a PM if you fancy that. Maybe that'll be a help :)

26-04-09, 09:59
(((Ali))) - You have friends here that care.

You have and are still doing so well ! I've always admired you for the strength you have had in running your own business and looking after your children on your own.

We're all here to listen Ali and we'll try and help whenever we can.

I'll pm you later this evening. I generally want to help if I can.

Take good care. I realise and understand that we're not physically around the corner from where you're living, only I wanted to say that you're not alone and will never be, please remember that !

26-04-09, 11:11
Feel just as bad today,gonna have to tell the kids later we cant afford to go on holiday next month as i just cannot afford to pay someone to look after the shop for 5 days or get 2 of my dogs looked after,am so disappointed i could really do with a break and the holiday is paid for and cant get the money back now:( Not had a holiday in ages,oh well seems a small thing compared to everything else i guess.