View Full Version : What a relief to find you all! Deepest Greetings!

25-04-09, 12:14
I cannot begin to tell you how comforting it is to find that not only am I not alone with coping with the often debilitating and destructive effects of anxiety and depression, but that there exists such a mutually supportive forum to help!

Although I am trying to climb out of a very dark pit of depression at the moment please allow me to just briefly introduce myself here before I find the courage to talk for the first time about my own 'dark place'.

I have lived with what my GP now, somewhat enlightendly I think, calls Generalised Anxiety Disorder for what seems most of my life.

Although I know that I had what a lot of people would call a 'complicated' childhood I first realised that something wasn't right when I was in my late 20s and started to feel 'ill' in a way that didn't seem to make any sense.......but did nothing about it.

Eventually I collapsed with what I now know to have been a massive panic attack......but I had never heard of this!

My partner at the time thought I was having a heart attack (!) and an ambulance and duty doctor came out at 2am complete with oxygen and all the stuff!

After reviving me and checking out all that could be checked, the doctor reached into her bag for 2 little yellow pills and said '..I think I know what this is and you must see me first thing in the morning.....and don't worry - you are not dying!'

Of course - the 'magic' pills were Diazepam......she sat and confirmed that all my very real symptoms and illness were classically associated with a condition known as GAD which some GPs were only just beggining to 'understand' and that I had experienced a Panic Attack.

Putting a name to all the unexplained illnesses that seemed to have been plaguing me and to know that it was this that caused me to eventually collapse was somehow comforting.

What wasn't quite so comforting though was the knowledge that I would have to cope and manage these symptoms and feelings for the forseeable.

I have ever since (some 20 years) been prescribed and carry a supply of Diazepam (with strict instruction for occaisional use only) and nothing I have tried has had such a predictable ability to forstall or bring me out of a full blown attack.

I tried various anti depressents until we found one where the side effects weren't worse than the symptoms! (Mirtazipine)




Diet and Exercise

......all helped me along......UNLESS

...things get so out of control that I can no longer help myself..talk sense..work....eat live or sleep and my mind just continually obsesses with black thoughts and HUGE amounts of obsessive worry that just make my waking life unbearable. I simply lose the will to live in a frighteningly real way.

A serious depressive episode....which is where I am at the moment.

But I didn't want to burden you all with the history here!! :doh:

I was going to do it over on the actual site!!


This was meant to be a quick hello :blush:!

Hope I haven't put you all off already?
Of course - I am looking forward to offering any support or help I can...just as soon as I can get my marbles reasonably secure in their bag again!



25-04-09, 12:51
Hi Widge

Welcome to the site, glad you found us. I think you will find lots of good advice and support on here and will find yourself among people who truley understand.

Take care


25-04-09, 13:22
Hi Widge, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

25-04-09, 13:25
Hi Widge,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx

25-04-09, 13:47
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

25-04-09, 15:31
Hi Widge,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I too have had anxiety since childhood. Glad you found us.

Take care,


25-04-09, 15:45
hi widge:welcome: , a very reassuring element to your post is the fact you havent lost your sense of humour - well done!!!!! i know 100% how hard it is to cope when you feel like this - i am also a long term sufferer - im glad youve found nmp - i feel that you will definately make improvements becasue of that, take care, emma xxxxx:yesyes:

25-04-09, 16:34
:welcome: Hello Widge ,Welcome to NMP, glad you found us and i hope you begin to feel abit better soon, take care Dusky x

25-04-09, 19:39
Hi Widge and welcome. This site is brilliant, I don't know what I would do without it and I am sure you will get as much help as you need:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

27-04-09, 08:46
Hi there and :welcome:to the site, loads of good advice and support on here , take care xx

06-09-09, 19:23
Hi Widge

Like you I have just joined this site today & think its seems great in that there are a lot of people out there just like us willing to share their thoughts and experiences with us.

I hope I can be of help & comfort to you should you want it. I know I will be checking in on this site daily.

Lots of love & support to you.


06-09-09, 20:34
Hey there widge,

welcome to NMP! You will find wonderful support & understanding here. xxxxx

Veronica H
07-09-09, 09:08
:welcome: to NMP widge. Glad that you have found us.
