View Full Version : Odd little place for a lump?With a pic

25-04-09, 13:15
Okay so I was scratching the sideof neck near behind my ear..and I noticed a little lump on the kind of bone part behind your ear at your head..

Round about here(this isn't my head!)


It feels weird,when I push into it it flattens and pops back again and it feels like there is a tiny little one beside it. and it's making my head feel bigger on one side,blah.. :(

Can youget lumps here? Naturally,one is going to start the,"I think I have cancer" again and I really don't want to start cos I been ok.

25-04-09, 13:29
Is there any hair where the lump is? if so it could be the very common sebaceous cysts (totally harmless). I get little outbreaks at the back of my neck, like a pimple or something and they go away. This absolutely does not sound serious, just a minor skin thing that comes and goes.

25-04-09, 13:31
No it's all smooth :( it feels veiny if that makes sense.

25-04-09, 14:10
Try moving the skin where the lump is - if it moves with the movement of the skin then the lump is just on the skin and most likely a blocked hair follicle but if you move the skin but the lump stays still then its probably a HARMLESS little swollen gland. I occasionally get these on exactly the place you have and have done so for about 15 yrs so they are completely harmless. They feel huge under your finger but are actually very tiny and usually last about a week before going.

25-04-09, 14:17
Hello Wee-Mee,

I have smooth, round little lumps on the bone part behind the ear (both sides), which flatten out when pressed in. I am certain it is nothing to worry about. That is a very interesting tattoo by the way.

25-04-09, 19:02
I also(like Rosiexxx) have a soft lump on the bone part behind my right ear. I have had this since I was about 14 so 30 years!!!I am assuming it is lymph gland or something!!!
I just noticed that this isnt your head--I was gonna say what a fab tattoo :) xx

25-04-09, 19:29
can anyone tell what the tattoo is actually of???

01-11-10, 10:06
can anyone tell what the tattoo is actually of???

Maybe a Apple Cherry Pie or a piece of a brain?


01-11-10, 10:13
can anyone tell what the tattoo is actually of???

Looks like pizza? :huh:

But yea, does sound like a gland or a little spot. Harmless! x

01-11-10, 14:25
Did you ask a tattooist to have a look at this lump and he misheard you, or is there another reason? :)

I'm hungry..

01-11-10, 14:31
Did you ask a tattooist to have a look at this lump and he misheard you, or is there another reason? :)

I'm hungry..
Think just google "back of head" maybe? Seems like the type of thing google would offer lool x

01-11-10, 16:11
This is a really old post people.