View Full Version : Nedd some TLC!

25-04-09, 15:47
Three weeks on the citalopram today and after four good days, I am having a horrible one today. I am still getting pins, needles and tingling in my hands and my fingers feel weak. I thought the side effects were suppose to go in a couple of weeks and because they haven't it is increasing my health anxiety.
I would be glad of any reassurance from those a bit further down this rocky road!

Hope to hear from you.


25-04-09, 18:01
Hi Bluejeans, click the first two links in my signature and you'll see that you are not alone :D

I started to feel better in my third week and actually thought I was starting to recover. But it's been up and down ever since. I have suffered with pretty bad side effects (most of them now vanished) but I urge you to keep going, hopefully things will level out for you in a while. :)

25-04-09, 20:39
Oh I feel for you. I have been through the ups and downs of waiting for the medication to sort itself out, it can take weeks. The side effects can be strange as well. I just wanted to send you support, and let you know it will get better. Yes I feel for you. Bob

25-04-09, 20:50
Yeah, side effects suck but take it from me, most of them will disappear or reduce to a level where you barely notice them. It does take a while though, 2-3 weeks for me.

26-04-09, 10:06
Thanks everyone for your support - it really does help. I am back to my gp tomorrow for a review so hopefully that might make me feel better too.