View Full Version : Feelings after fainting?

18-08-05, 20:36
Hi all,
just wanted some others experiences of fainting.
I was chatting to a friend today in a car park, she was telling me all her worries, as you know it was a really hot day. I was stood facing the sun and squinting to see her properly. I listened to her for about 20 mins and then felt strange and passed out!
My friend took me to casualty and they checked my BP, it was a bit low. Blood sugar was normal, whatever that means!
They made an app for me to see GP who said that she was confident i was ok and had nothing to worry about.
This is only the second time i have fainted, the first was about 11 years ago.
I am trying to put this down to the heat, no lunch and standing still for so long. But i now feel really anxious because of it.
I don't understand much about low BP, mine has always been normal in past.
Has anyone fainted before due to the heat, or has any advice to reassure me a bit?
Thanx kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

18-08-05, 21:18
Hi there,
Glad to hear you are ok now, i have no idea why i am posting cos have no information regarding fainting etc. but i would say, standing still for 20 mins. in the sun for all of that time, no food, the list is endless no wonder you passed out! you sensible got yourself checked over and should be re-assured by your gp that all is ok.I am sorry to be so vague, but the experts will be along shortly with same sound advice, have a nice relaxing evening take care.xxxxxxx

18-08-05, 22:19
Loads of people faint every summer because of the heat. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about!! Glad you're ok :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-08-05, 22:49
Fainting is the bodys way of getting you to lie down as it needs to rebalance its fluids.

When you get hot and are standing it is harder work for the blood to keep being pumped all round the body.

You'd probably not had enough water to drink which is vital to replenish the lost fluid through sweating.

If you're low on fluids, your blood pressure drops as in the heat the blood vessels expand to release more heat but you've got a bit less volume going round.

So the body is desperate for you to sit or lie down so it can manage easily to maintain blood going to each part of you.

It is not dangerous but one of the bodys precautionary measures to keep you safe.

In the heat you should be drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water a day if you're outside and eating regularly.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-08-05, 00:59
Thankyou all for your replies.
After posting this i spoke to NHS direct who said the same, that is happens a lot in the heat and considering all the other contributing factors makes it more likely to happen. They suggested that if i had felt panicky before i had fainted that the chances of it happening would have decreased, as would fidgeting instead of standing completely still!
They also asked me if i'd heard about No Panic and this website! Of course i said "yes" and told them what a huge help it has been!!
thanks again, kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.