View Full Version : Train to Europe- how to cope?

25-04-09, 22:50
Hi guys,

My friend is asking me to visit him in Belgium- which I've been putting off for a long time. I'm anxious enough about visiting another country where hardly anyone speaks English, but he does (so would translate for me!!)

But my worst fear is the travel. I have to take a train to London first, then the Eurostar (I can't go on a plane) to Brussels, followed by another 2 hour train to my friend's town. How can I cope?? Short journeys are sometimes pretty bad for me!

Is there anything like a sedative I can try, or just something to calm me down. Travelling in an unknown place on a unknown train is terrifying, but I can't let my friend down as he's been here twice. Thanks!!

25-04-09, 23:02
do you have to go alone?
a sedative would make you sleepy, it will calm your body but not the fear inside your mind. but in general it would help just to take the edge off

26-04-09, 10:50
Yep, I have to go alone unfourtunately, thanks for the reply...are there any sedatives I can buy from a pharmacy or do you have to go to the doctor? I got extremely worried last night about it :(

26-04-09, 11:18
I think you are very brave to take on this journey. Keep that thought. Its a huge ammount to take on in one day. You should be proud of yourself for considering such a thing. Try breaking the journey up into little pieces so you can say to yourself "That bit wasn't so bad, I can cope with the next bit now". I think a trip to your dr. is in order. There you should be able to get the best advice. I wish you all the best, cos you deserve it. Bob

26-04-09, 12:17
Wow thats some journey,have u tried rescue remedy,i find that helps me when i get worked up.Do you really have to go and see him right now,is it worth all the stress or would it be a challenege for you and would help you to feel better?If u got too sleepy from sedatives u might miss your train,have you ever tried meditation?Just some ideas Graz.

26-04-09, 13:19
you could try kalms there herbal maybe will take edge off it for you

26-04-09, 13:36
Do you get travel sick? Just wondering if it would be easier for you to go by ferry?

26-04-09, 18:34
Wow, thanks everyone!
bobobob: Thank you for your words :) The trip is in 3 stages, and annoyingly gets worse: Trip to London is OK, then the Eurostar isn't great, and the last journey (As I have no idea where I am) is the worst bit! But never mind, I might have to use the GPS on my phone so I know where I am- that might help!! :)

ali: I've never tried rescue remedy but I've heard some stories about it making anx worse which has put me off trying, but I'll try to give it a go before :) And I know there is a chance I may miss it, but I'll leave lots of space in between getting the next one- just in case! I honestly think feeling sleepy and relaxed is probably the best way to go. Unfortunately I can't change the time because that is my 1 week break between switching jobs- seems like the perfect time :D Thanks for the advice!!

amanda: I'll give them a try, thanks!

ju.ann_30: I only feel sick when travelling because it's the anxiety kicking in. I'm almost certain it's not "normal" travel sickness because the normal remedies don't work for me! I could try ferry but I would still need to get to my friend's town...

Thanks everyone :hugs:

26-04-09, 20:22
Just wanted to say, at the moment I couldn't even contemplate doing something like that, so well done to you!