View Full Version : what is going on!

25-04-09, 23:15
i posted last week ... i am in the middle of some sort of blip...and i dont like it one bit.
not been a good few days but yesterday and today ive been really emotional and anxiety is really high.
ive been suffering terrible head aches...having to take tablets which i dont like to do.
well today i got stuff done at home then had to be in work for 4pm...well i was driving the mini bus at work with people on it and i had a panic attack ...ive not been that scared for a long time i did manage to get through it and continue on our way but why is this happening...
i am so fed up just now i was doing so well...
and im sorry for moaning yet again

25-04-09, 23:38
aww....we all have blips that are really rough. today was a bad one for me :( I always try and stay positive and say to myself that it will end like all the other bad blips. glad you managed to get through it though that shows you are strong and can fight the panic. :)

26-04-09, 00:39
Like they say dust yourself off and try again u will be fine hun we all have these blips

26-04-09, 08:31
Hi bluesparkle,

sorry your having a blip, i have had a few myself recently, with me there has been reasons, but try not to dwell on it and treat each day as a fresh start, works for me, hope it does you.

take care

tiggs x

26-04-09, 18:11
thank you for your replies...
it means so much to me knowing that people understand...
am a little better today although totally worn out which i no is normal so an early night fo rme i think

26-04-09, 18:43
hi rach
im sorry you have had this blip but treat it as exactly that hun
and i dont know why but this better weather seems to have everyone having headaches.
well done on managing the panic attack and getting through a few crap days and try and relax when home and get adrenaline down in body
see ya on msn ok xx