View Full Version : anti d's?

26-04-09, 14:10
I have been on fluoxetine for 3-4wks and i feel its stopped me crying but i still feel worried and anxious about my health.Are there specific tablets for anxiety or are they r they supposed to manage both anxiety and depression?I dont feel as down but i still have the butterflies and the feeling of dread in my stomach constantly.Do i need different tablets? xx

agent orange
26-04-09, 21:27
There are beta blockers and that is what I use sometimes, but you may have to find one that suits you better, but remember you have only been on them such a short while. I have tried loads and no i am on none. I trust you'll feel better soon.

26-04-09, 21:41
When my doctor explained fluoxatine to me he said,
"If you imagine a line to explain how your feeling, i.e when your very happy the line goes way up and when your very depressed the line goes way down, fluoxatine makes the line straight."
So unfortunatly you lose most of your highs as well and just feel beige alot of the time. My problem was I was looking for something that would make me happy, and a tablet like that just doesn't exist. They have tablets to take away the xtreme sad and other extreme things but they can't create it.(legally) It can take a long time to find a medication or treatment that will suite you. Keep working at it and don't be afraid to tell your doctor it's not for you. Good luck : )

27-04-09, 11:27
I have been on fluoxetine a couple of times in the past for severe anxiety and panic. I thought it was fab, it worked for me but as with all meds you have to give it time and 3-4 weeks is still early days. I felt it just stopped the symptoms i would get with panic and anxiety, so i would still think about it but my body would stay calm. This enabled me to learn to get on with life. I hope this works for you, but if in anothe couple of weeks you seem no better then ask your GP to try something else.