View Full Version : Are these normal anxiety problems ?

26-04-09, 14:52
I think I suffer from GAD. I have had health problems for 12 years, and I think even if it didn't begin as anxiety, the not being diagnosed aspect turned things in to anxiety.

Over the last month things seem to have taken a step up. I have had small problems thinking and reading, and I feel as though it will be an effort or difficult to start talking.

One of the main recent issues though is a heart or chest feeling, I keep having to take a deep breath. Like if I get the 'difficult to talk' feeling, if I take a deep breath then it is ok. I am not talking social situations, just at home, on the phone, with family, mates etc. I have a weird sort of sickly, tickly, feeling in my chest, like butterflies but in my heart/chest instead of stomach.

Also I saw a film yesterday, a horror, and I am never affected by them normally, but on the big twist reveal I suddenly felt really tingly all over and spacey, a strange feeling, my whole body felt fuzzy. This is just at home on a normal sized TV. I suffer the same sort of feeling on big crescendo style noise build ups, the more the noise builds up the more I feel tingly and by the end of the build up I can feel like a scared cat, my hair on end and shaking and fully spaced out.

Also something I experienced last night was weird, I was trying to get to sleep and in my vision was like a firework display, colours everywhere, stuff flying around. When I opened my eyes it stopped. Then when I shut them again to get to sleep the colours and shapes happened again. Normally my closed eyesight is just the usual sort of dark shades with not much happening. It felt like I was om mushrooms or something, not bodily, just visually. As I say, everything vanished when I opened my eyes, and it usually took a few seconds when closed for the visuals to appear.

So am I just crazy or are these possible anxiety symptoms ? The funny thing is, this thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42556 is exactly me, when I read it I laughed out loud as the Google and MS and ALS obsession is exactly what I suffer from. I read something on google, then panic, become obsessed I have that, and then get initially relieved if told I don't have it, but then wonder "what if" soon after the relief, then I once again think I have it. I always end up saying to myself "but people do suffer from these serious things, so maybe I do have it, why not me" etc etc.

Sorry for the ramble. If no one has experienced the things I mention then don't be afraid to tell me :)

26-04-09, 15:37
Also I saw a film yesterday, a horror, and I am never affected by them normally, but on the big twist reveal I suddenly felt really tingly all over and spacey, a strange feeling, my whole body felt fuzzy. This is just at home on a normal sized TV. I suffer the same sort of feeling on big crescendo style noise build ups, the more the noise builds up the more I feel tingly and by the end of the build up I can feel like a scared cat, my hair on end and shaking and fully spaced out.
these symptoms are (when you are OK) the feelings of excitement:ohmy:
Unfortunately - when we are anxious the VERY same feelings are assessed by the brain as fear:ohmy:
The sensations are brought about by adrenalin:ohmy: :ohmy:
If you are happy and calm????? tingly fuzzy etc is a nice feeling:yesyes:
BUT if you are anxious????? tingly fuzzy etc are truly terrifying:weep:
On a good day you think about these symptoms and you will see i am right.

BUT having said all that when it hapens to me I STILL fall apart - thats what anxiety does.:blush:
One of the main recent issues though is a heart or chest feeling, I keep having to take a deep breath. Like if I get the 'difficult to talk' feeling,
This is hyperventilation = yet another anxiety related problem:blush:
Try reading "symptoms" in "Main Menu" Lots of good info in there.
Best wishes

26-04-09, 21:51
I have recently started with the feeling that when I talk I feel like I am going to stop breathing, then start to panic. Its like I can't talk/drink and breath at the same time. This happens to me at home too. sometimes feel like I have to catch my breath. Is this how u feel? when i try to explain to people they think I am abit weird.

27-04-09, 12:37
Oh yes just how i feel.
Somedays are better that others - at the moment the worst time is walking a short distance to the bus stop, I am heaving for breath (like some who just ran the marathon) My Psychiatrist said "well you know you should breathe into a paper bag??"
I told him when i am in that state thoughts of paper bag are not even on my radar - I am too busy trying to stay alive!!!!!
Oh, and i can not walk and talk so i go out alone.
Best wishes
By the way - it is called hyperventilation:blush: