View Full Version : legs feel like there not working

19-08-05, 00:33
Has anyone experienced the feel that their legs are not working? The first sign I get of a PA is my legs feeling like lead and my knees feel like they are not moving. I know they are as I can be walking at the time but it feels as if I am lifting weights. It is a strange feeling and it doesn't go away till after the PA is over. If you do have these feelings or similar in your legs what do you do? do you sit down or carry on walking. I have tried both methods but neither seem to make a difference.

19-08-05, 00:44
hi yep i get this but usally during or after an attack its a thing most ppl get when they panic. i think its a natural responce to start running or something like that. its like if someone jumps out at u u feel the need to run, its programed into everybody.