View Full Version : Is there anyone else like this?

26-04-09, 18:53
I am new to this and found it trying to get some help.

Most of my worries are related to driving and often is when I can not remember a particular part of a journey or if I think something has happened that I may have caused or missed. I sometimes have to turn the car around and drive back to check what ever it is, or think I have missed, it has been known to be twice, I can often then blow everything out of proportion and even if there is nothing there etc I can then panic about it all night or days. I am so fed up with these feelings and wish I could be like other people who really don't seem to care about anything. I don't have to do any checking in any other areas in my life only around this.

Am I completely mad?

What can I do about this? Will I ever be able to feel normal and get over this or will it always be a part of my life.

I am sorry to go on but would just love to know that I am not the only one and just get a bit of support from others who may have felt the same and getting through it.


26-04-09, 19:18
hi there hun,no u are not mad i have been known to do this in the past...and i was also worried and i know after speaking to a few ppl its a sort of like ocd kind of thing u will get through it...its just a thing that we have to train our mind into relising we have not missed anything!! xxxx:bighug1:

26-04-09, 19:56
Hi Hun,

I really recognise what your talking about. When i've been very anxious in the past i get similar thoughts.. It is linked to OCD which is linked to Anxiety.. It will pass like all symptoms do.. It just takes time and rest. Make sure you dont avoid driving, that will make the problem worse for you.

Bug hugs xx

27-04-09, 02:19
OCD checking-

This can surface in any area that makes us feel anxious. For instance, checking a lock, a door, a switch, putting things away etc.

When you're driving and you see something that causes you worry, your anxiety makes you feel compelled to to go back to "check" to alleviate your anxious feelings. Once you've reassured yourself, you then feel more relaxed to continue your journey. However, sometimes checking "once" doesn't always reassure you but instead you begin to worry more as your anxiety grows stronger. Sometimes we can build ourselves into such an anxious state that we end up feeling we can't move or dwelling on the event all day worrying about it.

Whether it's turning round to check when we're driving or having to check a switch etc, the checking in the hope of finding reassurance actually feeds our anxiety. We then create a repetitive pattern of always having to check things to alleviate our anxious feelings.

It's what I call the rollercoaster! High peaks of anxiety followed by low troughs of calm. OCD behaviour though creates an endless rollercoaster.

The "cure" is to resist checking when an event or chore worries you because the anxiety Always gradually subsides. In this way the pattern is broken so that the rollercoaster becomes a more level playing field.

One last point is that the more stress we are experiencing in our day to day lives, the more intense compulsions are so the more difficult they are to resist. Therefore, introduce relaxation techniques, hobbies or simply things to look forward to as these will help against checking compulsions.:hugs:

P.S If you're SURE you've hit something, please DO make sure you stop and go back and check!:winks: :D Sorry, being tongue-in-cheek!:blush: I honestly do understand how it feels to have this problem because I've suffered from it myself.:hugs: