View Full Version : effexor and the price to pay

26-04-09, 23:14
ok the start! for 10 years i was a cocaine (functional) addict and boozer. the doctor told me he would make me feel human again after a stupid suicide attempt. now i was at my last 6 months of drug abuse before i realised enough was enough! so i went an told my doctor all!!

at the time i was going through a divorce, anyhow the doc supplied me with citalopram 20mg and diazapan 5mg twice daily, i took these for at least a year and had enough and i had some serious dark thoughts on these in the beginning. anyhow i got fed up with the diazapan making me feel groggy and looking tired all the time. so self medicated on the (not advised to others) diaz'z the citals did not work anymore, so i was prescribed sertraline even more worse than citals.

after 6 months of being on them i was prescribed the dreaded effexor 75mg
they are the absolute pits!!!! now i stopped taking them after a year and a bit and they didnt work either, now this is where it gets weird.

i never really had any side effects from any prescribed drug until i met effexor.

since stoppping effexor, the very day i stopped i got the most blistering side effects ever, read the effexoractivist web pages and read the symptoms.

when i stopped effexor, i was given prozac, they just gave me really bad stomach problems if anything!

since leaving effexor i have these really really scary head shocks, when i move my eyes left and right up or down or even move suddenly i get this enormous wave of dizziness in my head, if i feel my heart miss a beat i get a massive jolt of an electrical buzz through my head, i only feel really safe to move or look ahead to get some relief from the dizziness.

i think my doc either thinks im mad or he is worried his advice on the effexor has left me permantley brain damaged, its really scary and shows no signs of letting up, i also can feel off balance sometimes and its really affecting my moods, some days i could forget about the dizzy stuff and then do the gardening and not even think about it then the next day i can go out and do something else and the dizzines just bloody follows me and its just easier to sit and look ahead. its really upsetting me and i dont know if im going mad or have been left with a serious chemical imbalance from using effexor.

i have not drunk or taken any cocaine for near on 2 years now. and have been off all medication for a month now

can someone please help, this crap is really squeezing my skull!!!!!!!!!!:wacko:

please read below it will make interesting reading:


1. Crying spells
2. Worsened mood
3. Low energy (fatigue, lethargy, malaise)
4. Trouble concentrating
5. Insomnia or trouble sleeping
6. Change in appetite
7. Suicidal thoughts
8. Suicide attempts
9. Anxious, nervous, tense
10. Panic attacks (racing heart, breathless)
11. Chest pain
12. Trembling, jittery,or shaking
13. Irritability
14. Agitation (restlessness, hyperactivity)
15. Impulsivity
16. Aggressiveness
17. Self-harm
18. Homicidal thoughts or urges
19. Confusion or cognitive difficulties
20. Memory problems or forgetfulness
21. Elevated mood (feeling high)
22. Mood swings
23. Manic-like reactions
24. Auditory hallucinations
25. Visual hallucinations
26. Feeling detached or unreal
27. Excessive or intense dreaming
28. Nightmares
29. Flu-like aches and pains
30. Fever
31. Sweats
32. Chills
33. Runny nose
34. Sore eyes
35. Nausea
36. Vomiting
37. Diarrhea
38. Abdominal pain or cramps
39. Stomach bloating
40. Disequilibrium
41. Spinning, swaying, lightheaded
42. Hung over or waterlogged feeling
43. Unsteady gait, poor coordination
44. Motion sickness
45. Headache
46. Tremor
47. Numbness, burning, or tingling
48. Electric zap-like sensations in the brain
49. Electric shock-like sensations in the body
50. Abnormal visual sensations
51. Ringing or other noises in the ears
52. Abnormal smells or tastes
53. Drooling or excessive saliva
54. Slurred speech
55. Blurred vision
56. Muscle cramps, stiffness, twitches
57. Feeling of restless legs
58. Uncontrollable twitching of mouth

Up to 78% of effexor users will experience withdrawal.
This can happen with one missed dose. paxil 66% zoloft 60%
Reference: “The Antidepressant Solution”
by Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.
We have no connection with Dr. Glenmullen

PLEASE get educated about the dangers posed by antidepressants
and other legal drugs.

Be sure to check out our links pages.
Even more links will be found in the ARTICLE LIBRARY.

As individuals we have very little power to effect change in the public awareness of the dangers posed by the casual dispensation of antidepressants. Together we CAN make a difference! Think of all the people who are being given these drugs as you read. JOIN US! Together we will do what the doctors and F.D.A. have failed to do. Make people aware of the nightmare side effects that can be caused by antidepressants.


Toby times two
26-04-09, 23:33
How long since you stopped taking the Effexor and did you taper?

I am so sorry for your misery - the same thing happened to me after a serious reaction to prozac after re-introducing it a second time - it takes months to get over but healing does happen - often people mistake the withdrawals for the return of anxiety or depression while getting off an AD and take another one - this only perpetuates the changes in the brain and prolongs the inevitable as eventually the all stop working after a period of years...the best bet is to taper very slowly and take good care of your body and nervous system while waiting for the storm to pass - it may be helpful to look at anti depressant facts.com as well.

good luck to you

26-04-09, 23:40
How long since you stopped taking the Effexor and did you taper?

I am so sorry for your misery - the same thing happened to me after a serious reaction to prozac after re-introducing it a second time - it takes months to get over but healing does happen - often people mistake the withdrawals for the return of anxiety or depression while getting off an AD and take another one - this only perpetuates the changes in the brain and prolongs the inevitable as eventually the all stop working after a period of years...the best bet is to taper very slowly and take good care of your body and nervous system while waiting for the storm to pass - it may be helpful to look at anti depressant facts.com as well.

good luck to you

i have been off effexor for a month and tapered straight onto prozac for a fortnight, but it gave me some serious stomach cramps so i stopped altogether my mood is generally much better and any other niggles i pass of as just simple withdrawal, but its the headshocks im more concerened about, it brings me down which in turn undoes all the positives im creating without any anti-depressants present in my system.

26-04-09, 23:43
I used to take Venlafaxine too, 225mg.

The withdrawal symptoms as you say were terrible and I think it took me sometime to feel myself again. I was then put onto different medication.

Give yourself some time, you're not going mad, your body is just trying to adjust.

I think it's so important that doctors give advice about these medications, I feel they're too quick to hand them over without talking about the med first.

I'm afraid I haven't much advice to give regarding the head zaps and all, I do certainly know what you're going through though and it's a horrible feeling. No paracetamol or anything can take the pain away.

Unfortunately, I think you're going to have to wait until it just passes, or go back to your doctor and ask for their advice.

This will pass though, give yourselve alittle more time.

Hope you feel better soon.:flowers:

26-04-09, 23:52
I used to take Venlafaxine too, 225mg.

The withdrawal symptoms as you say were terrible and I think it took me sometime to feel myself again. I was then put onto different medication.

Give yourself some time, you're not going mad, your body is just trying to adjust.

I think it's so important that doctors give advice about these medications, I feel they're too quick to hand them over without talking about the med first.

I'm afraid I haven't much advice to give regarding the head zaps and all, I do certainly know what you're going through though and it's a horrible feeling. No paracetamol or anything can take the pain away.

Unfortunately, I think you're going to have to wait until it just passes, or go back to your doctor and ask for their advice.

This will pass though, give yourselve alittle more time.

Hope you feel better soon.:flowers:

thanks for your kind words, ive just read that clinical trials were wrapped up after six months and have no further knowledge of this drug, plus from six months of finishing the trials, thats what i call no mans land, i also found that the company reponisble are facing a very big lawsuit. thats all well and good but what about the others and me who are suffering!!!

scary stuff!!!

26-04-09, 23:54
How long since you stopped taking the Effexor and did you taper?

I am so sorry for your misery - the same thing happened to me after a serious reaction to prozac after re-introducing it a second time - it takes months to get over but healing does happen - often people mistake the withdrawals for the return of anxiety or depression while getting off an AD and take another one - this only perpetuates the changes in the brain and prolongs the inevitable as eventually the all stop working after a period of years...the best bet is to taper very slowly and take good care of your body and nervous system while waiting for the storm to pass - it may be helpful to look at anti depressant facts.com as well.

good luck to you

just been on the site you recommended, and makes interesting reading.

thanks toby.

Toby times two
27-04-09, 00:08
you are most welcome - feel free to pm me anytime...

27-04-09, 12:42
Hi, I really feel for you. It took me 18 months to get off Effexor every time I got so far I really struggled and had to go back on it. Did you come off very gradually? My psych added some prozac, then weaned me very gradually. It took about 3 months to get off it but worth it. The reason I was given prozac is that it has a very long half life so withdrawal is easier. I took it very slowly getting off that too but now it's a distant memory. Maybe go back to doctors and jump on his/her head if you need further support getting this wretched drug out of your system :hugs:

27-04-09, 18:38
Hi, I really feel for you. It took me 18 months to get off Effexor every time I got so far I really struggled and had to go back on it. Did you come off very gradually? My psych added some prozac, then weaned me very gradually. It took about 3 months to get off it but worth it. The reason I was given prozac is that it has a very long half life so withdrawal is easier. I took it very slowly getting off that too but now it's a distant memory. Maybe go back to doctors and jump on his/her head if you need further support getting this wretched drug out of your system :hugs:

no i didnt wean, i seem to fare better doing cold turkey, but now im beginning to think differently.

the doc gave me prozac and it just gave me horrific stomach pains, so i quit them after 2 weeks of being prescribed them.:scared15:

01-05-09, 17:39
I am so glad I read your post. I went to see a new doctor at our practice and she saw from my notes that I had been on Dosulepin for 20 years, not ideal I know, but they suit me. She told me that there are new drugs that are better and was I willing to try one but first I would have to have an ECG. So in due course I got a script for Efexor XL 75mgs and told to'wean myself off Dosulepin for a few days' while taking Efexor. When I read the paperwork with the box I nearly fainted.The side effects sound worse than any of my symptoms and to be honest I am too afraid to take them.

What do other members suggest?

02-05-09, 22:49
ok the start! for 10 years i was a cocaine (functional) addict and boozer. the doctor told me he would make me feel human again after a stupid suicide attempt. now i was at my last 6 months of drug abuse before i realised enough was enough! so i went an told my doctor all!!

at the time i was going through a divorce, anyhow the doc supplied me with citalopram 20mg and diazapan 5mg twice daily, i took these for at least a year and had enough and i had some serious dark thoughts on these in the beginning. anyhow i got fed up with the diazapan making me feel groggy and looking tired all the time. so self medicated on the (not advised to others) diaz'z the citals did not work anymore, so i was prescribed sertraline even more worse than citals.

after 6 months of being on them i was prescribed the dreaded effexor 75mg
they are the absolute pits!!!! now i stopped taking them after a year and a bit and they didnt work either, now this is where it gets weird.

i never really had any side effects from any prescribed drug until i met effexor.

since stoppping effexor, the very day i stopped i got the most blistering side effects ever, read the effexoractivist web pages and read the symptoms.

Poor thing, it sounds really awful.

Did you stop diazepam shortly before stopping to take efexor?

Cause a lot of those symptoms sounds like benzodiazepine withdrawal too, which you can also get from tolerance withdrawal that it's very common to get while being on a steady dose of benzodiazepines.

12-05-09, 19:13
Poor thing, it sounds really awful.

Did you stop diazepam shortly before stopping to take efexor?

Cause a lot of those symptoms sounds like benzodiazepine withdrawal too, which you can also get from tolerance withdrawal that it's very common to get while being on a steady dose of benzodiazepines.

no i just went complete cold turkey on these pills, i am still getting the brain zaps and bouts of crying, when i move my eyes in all directions it is more evident, it feels like i have a hotwire to my head, and some one is just winding up the voltage! its been a couple of months now and im still getting withdrawals, i hope this will stop!!!!

12-05-09, 19:15
I am so glad I read your post. I went to see a new doctor at our practice and she saw from my notes that I had been on Dosulepin for 20 years, not ideal I know, but they suit me. She told me that there are new drugs that are better and was I willing to try one but first I would have to have an ECG. So in due course I got a script for Efexor XL 75mgs and told to'wean myself off Dosulepin for a few days' while taking Efexor. When I read the paperwork with the box I nearly fainted.The side effects sound worse than any of my symptoms and to be honest I am too afraid to take them.

What do other members suggest?
sorry i havnt been around for a while, i would think about it on a big level! weigh up the good and bad and then if the good outweighs the bad then make your decision, but i couldnt possibly say to you go and do it. its down to you xx