View Full Version : Weird facial pressure

26-04-09, 23:38
I have damage to my spine in my neck and for many years have been getting weird sensations in my face and head that have been put down to irritated neck nerves and tight muscles. I get crawling/tingling and tight hat feelings but about 5 weeks ago I suddenly got an intense feeling in centre of my face sort of behind nose above roof of mouth of a second of unbelievable pressure that moves but literally only lasts a second or two then goes. Some days I only notice it once or twice but other days I have it all day long and its very unpleasant. My neck aches and feels as if I have a vice around it especially under my head at back.

many years ago I experienced for days at a time a feeling as if my whole face would explode together with the vice like grip on neck but only had it rarely and it was not on and off like this is.

My GP is a bit at a loss - thinks its related to my neck problem, I had course of antibiotics in case it was sinus related but these didn't help so not that - I am having ultrasound of neck arteries at end of week but won't get results for another 5 weeks until I see ent again.

I Had a normal brain mri last summer so Dr says its unlikely to be anything serious but of course I am coming up with all sorts of nasties which is not helping the tight neck muscles.

I know tension and anxiety can give you head pressures and wondered if anyone had experienced facial pressure.

27-04-09, 12:54
Country Girl

I have that pressure on and off and it started after i had my baby nealy six months ago. I know someone who has it too and she says it started aftyer she had her last baby abd she said it felt like she was still wearing the oxygen mask that she was given during labour.

I dont think that it is directly linked to having children but i do think that it is an anxiety/ too much adrenaline symptom.

When i was at my psychologist last week he took me through a relaxation/hypnosis session and he asked me to pick one of my symptoms that worries me and i chose the pressure , weird tingling sensation in my nose. During the session he told me to focus on my nose and guess what... the feeling came on .

If it has just appeared it might be that is it something that your mind has just picked up on and cant stop focussingon. Psychologist says when you attach meaning to a sensation - especially fear - it increases and prolongs its existance.

Hope that helps and i really dont mean to say the old " your just imagining it" but i know it worked wonders for me when he explained that.
