View Full Version : Why can't people just be honest?

27-04-09, 01:36
Hi Everyone

I am just arghhhhh, at the moment and http://www.mentalhealth-talk.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/cry.png http://www.mentalhealth-talk.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/cry.png http://www.mentalhealth-talk.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif I just don't know what I have done wrong. Well I have made a friend on a certain networking site, yeah got talking, etc etc, send emails etc etc talk most days. I have only just noticed that tonight I couldn't find their name in my friends list, so I am guessing they have either blocked or deleted me. I am not best pleased absolutely furious. I did ask this person early on in the day how was the weekend never heard back, that was before I knew about the blocking or deleting.

I have mentioned it before it before to my friend, if I get too much, or what ever I would rather be told why and the reasons either to back off or not to be friends no longer. Ignoring is going to hurt me more than told the truth. I don't know if they have done it by mistake or it is a glitch or something or they just dont want to be friends no longer, it is doing my head in and I am so upset and had a little cry, silly yeah I know. This will be whirling round my head all night now. Thinking what have I done wrong?? Am I such a horrible person. etc etc.

I am sorry for my post, Im just upset. I find it hard to make friends in the first place, as I am so shy.



27-04-09, 04:07
dont worry over people like that what ever you do thay are a waste of time
just think your get get new friends pop in chat theres nice people there
dont worrry

27-04-09, 07:34
It's sooo hurtful when that happens. Maybe they just aren't feeling well enough to communicate with people at the moment. Don't blame yourself - there could be any number of reasons why they are not in touch. In the meantime, I agree with london - make friends on here. Good day or bad day, we'll be here for you!

27-04-09, 08:00
:hugs: I also gt like this at times....worrying why people have not replies to my message or contacted me for ages etc etc etc...I think its part of the anxiety/depression

Try not to worry to much...like the others say you always have us on here :blush:

27-04-09, 10:33
i too am really shy, and think people are ignoring me or dont want to be my friend,
but you must look at it diffrent ways they are maybe no longer on the site or could be something else.

but if this didnt happen you wouldnt off wrote this thread and then i wouldnt of responded

so you have now gained another friend :yesyes:

27-04-09, 13:49
Hi :)
Dont be so hard on yourself. This is the others persons problem to feel bad about - not yours.
Maybe the person on the other site wanted to appear offline for a while for whatever reason - I have done that in the past, or maybe it is in genuine error?.
Call me cynical too but sometimes as we all know, some people are anything but who they say they are online.
I hope it all gets resolved for you and that there is a simple explanation but if not then however annoying and unfair it seems, just try not to let it make you overly anxious, just wait and see what happens. If this person is a nice person they will be back in touch with an explanation but if not, then they have shown you what they are truly like.

27-04-09, 15:20
My ex boyfriend just did this to me after saying he wanted to stay in touch, I sent a really nice email wishing him a good holiday and bang, he deleted me.

Whilst I didn't want to go back out with him, it upset me very much as i thought he was a genuine person. By doing this he has made me feel like I have done something wrong and has made me lose confidence in myself. I totally understand how you feel and the only advice I can offer is to be grateful that you had a lucky escape from such a rude and ignorant person.

28-04-09, 22:47
Hi Everyone

Many Thanks for your replys. This person did aventually reply and said that I did nothing wrong to one of questions I asked, and they deleted their account to this certain site, but they never answered the questions why did they delete the account.

Yes I do feel really upset still, can't help it as its gone from like, this person asking most days how am I, am I ok, to nothing now and I ask after my friends too, asking if they are ok. If don't hear from them I worry in case they are not ok.

Just don't know what to do, why me. What have I done wrong. I am sorry if I am repeating myself :(:(:(. Why does this person have to ignore and not answer my questions. grrrrrr.

Plus am not feeling great as I have a sore throat from hell :(:(:(:(:(


16-05-09, 05:52
You are probably a very lovely person and people who would do that are just mean and hurtful people your better off without them but dont worry you will make friends in here im sure.

Keep your chin up dont let people like that hurt you.

Gem xx

16-05-09, 14:38
You sound very sincere shygirl and I'm sure most people would be very lucky to have you as a friend. Learn a lesson though and don't wear your heart so readily with people you meet online. You really can't know their circumstances - people often have a lot going on in real life and can find it hard to be consistent online.

I have some good internet friends, but they know that sometimes I'll be on chatting for weeks on end, then I'll disappear for months.. they don't get offended, they know that real life swamps you at times.

19-05-09, 19:53
make a fake account so that way you can see if they really have blocked you