View Full Version : Oh No Not Again!

27-04-09, 03:10
Hi Everyone

I havn't posted for quite a while as I have been going really well. I suffer from palpatations, ectopic, extra, missed beats (whatever they are :blush: ). Anyway I have suffered with them for years. I have good times and bad ones. I had a really bad time about a year and a half ago. Had the horribles, fluttery beats all the time. Had heaps of tests (yet again) even had a heart scan. All tests came back fine and I was basically told learn to accept them, don't let them rule your life and once you lose your fear they won't be as debilitating. Anyway i'm pleased to say i managed to do that, i mean don't get me wrong, I still got them but i lost the fear.

Thing is, i'm starting to worry about them again :lac: . I notice i always get them when I have my bubble baths and they weren't worrying me but then I started to think what if! what if i'm having them because of this or that :scared15: . Now i can feel myself getting scared again so am really noticing them even though I know I have to lose that fear again.

Help!!, does anyone know what I mean?

Thanks Guys
