View Full Version : Feeling of complete hoplessness

27-04-09, 03:34
Posted in the p.t.s.d section the other day but feel awful right now so I think it's panic I don't know.I am waking up in the night feeling really bad with heart palps and a terrible feeling of doom.I am panicking about it as I read on google once that before a heart attack the sufferer can feel this way and have pain between the shoulder blades which I get.I had a 24 hr tape on the other week to see what happens to my heart but as usual it didn't flamin happen which is sod's law so the doctors over the hospital will think there is b...r all wrong with me but there is ,I am suffering with these awful symptoms.I don't know whether it is a panic attack as I don't get shaky or sweaty I just feel incredibly agitated like something bad is about to happen and sometimes feel like I urgently need the loo(sorry).can anybody reassure me that this is only nerves and not anything to do with my ticker as I am so frightened.

27-04-09, 06:30
heya mothermac. Yup i can identify with those symptoms. i think that sometimes i am my own worst enemy cos when i get the pain between my shoulders i am convinced that i am going to have a heart attack.. i get myself so worked up that i have ended up at the ER twice. on both occasions (and regular visits to doctor) i have had ECg done and surprise .all clear. i still get the shoulder pain and definately the need for the loo. I also get extremely agitated and feel as if death is imminent or at the very least that im going to lose my mind. Have been on citalopram which has made the symptoms worse so have stopped those. Keep at your doctor until he listens. I am considering therapy but just not sure about organising it at this stage. let me know if things change or you need more info!! cheers frosty!