View Full Version : poorly when too bust

27-04-09, 08:53
ok, I am so mad at myself. I have a VERY important deadline in 2 & a bit weeks & have so much work still to do & I feel lousy. I have runs, banging headache, all snotty & bunged up. I have no idea what I am going to do. I have too much on to be ill. Its making me more anxious knowing how much I have on. Sorry, just really wanted to get it all off my chest as the people I normally talk to are sick of hearing me moan. :weep: Does anyone else get annoyed when they make plans to get this that & the other done & then illness or anxiety gets in the way? It always seams to happen to me. x

27-04-09, 08:54
sorry my title means to say too busy, not bust. lol

27-04-09, 08:58
freudian slip :whistles:

27-04-09, 09:06
Hiya busty....sorry, I mean cheekycharlie,
I know what you mean about anxiety ruining plans. Ruins careers, relationships and even friendships. You really have to fight to keep going sometimes.
Regarding the moaning. It's good to have a moan sometimes. Let off some steam. Even write down what's bugging you. Far better than keeping it bottled up.
Keep going, you will may feel a lot better in a 2 weeks time.

take care


27-04-09, 09:16
Hi there,

I know exactly what you mean, I feel like this the majority of the time. I pretty much have to rush around all the time, I'm hardly ever walking !

It's manic these days, I think we all need to learn how to slow down a bit, but it's really hard sometimes because the deadlines go out the window, and then things become havoc.

I need to find time for some Yoga again,..and distress.

Having a cold like you say makes things so much worse and causes more head pain. I hope you start to feel better soon and manage somehow.

Take care x:flowers:

27-04-09, 10:34
hope your cold goes soon ive had mine ages now and it does get you down