View Full Version : sore salivary gland?

27-04-09, 09:30
The gland under my jaw on the left side of my neck has been quite sore for the past couple of days now. My friend told me it's the salivary gland, and it could be infected or have a stone in it. Does this sound right to anyone else? I don't have a sore throat or anything. It's really getting me down, I know I should probably have it checked out but I'm scared it's something sinister :(

27-04-09, 10:35
it does sound like a gland my cold started that way then i got the sore thorat always best to get checked but im sure its nothing sinister x

27-04-09, 13:16
The gland under my jaw on the left side of my neck has been quite sore for the past couple of days now. My friend told me it's the salivary gland, and it could be infected or have a stone in it. Does this sound right to anyone else? I don't have a sore throat or anything. It's really getting me down, I know I should probably have it checked out but I'm scared it's something sinister :(


Just to say that I thought i had a swollen salivary gland under my chin until the dr told me that it was just a normal gland, the type that swells when you get a sore throat or bug.
apparently your salivary glands are tucked quite far under your chin/jaw and are fairly small and you cant really feel them .
