View Full Version : exercising the anxiety right out of you.

claire m
27-04-09, 10:59
not so long ago i was very active i played netball in 2 leagues,
ran everywhere, practised karate twice a week and was always on the go.
i am a recovering agorophobic so this was a massive part of my recovery.
But this last year has been a hard year although the agorophobia is not severe i have terrible social anxiety so i quit netball and karate.
I loved the good feeling exercise give me,
6mths ago i was diagnosed with a prolapsed mitral valve and it was giving me chest pain when i exercised it was allowing a small amount of blood back the wrong way.
since that i have been terrified of pushing myself for the fear of something happening to my heart even though my doctor as reassured me it will be ok.
does anyone find exercising helps keep their anxiety at bay or does it give you extra anxiety.
i would love to do an endurance walk in june but the anxiety is holding me back.

27-04-09, 11:13
I have to say i was jogging this time last year and i felt totally fine wasn't having the anxiety or panic attacks and i too have a heart complaint.. But I haven't done any excersise for a while now and i am back to having the anxiety, also when i am feeling like this i am scared to excersise so i think it is just mind over matter with me i think if i got into it again it prob would help my anxiety it's just taking the steps to do it again x

27-04-09, 23:24
Hi Claire,

Exercising has always helped me, I can also suffer with depression and so this always helps lift my mood too.

I do allsorts of sports.

If you're worried about the affects of strenuous exercise, why not try Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi or Swimming. These are all good forms of exercise and are really relaxing too.

:flowers: x