View Full Version : Red hands

27-04-09, 10:59
Hi, I've been extremely anxious for the past 6 weeks, and suddenly I've noticed for the past week (maybe more) that my hands are red.
They kind of look tanned but when I press the skin it becomes white where I press.
Also the other day I went for a walk and it wasn't that cold but when I came back my hands looked BLUE in places.
My hands tend to be cold all the time anyway and really red in the winter, but this time they don't seem to be going back to normal when they're not cold.
And they seem to go from freezing cold to boiling hot and almost throbbing.
I know I have poor blood circulation but this time my hands just stay red, almost like they're sunburnt (or tanned) but they go really red when I hold them down.
Has anyone had that before with anxiety?
P.S: they don't shake by the way, so I don't think it would be Thyroid probs. No other symptoms a part from dry hair.

27-04-09, 13:14
Hello Toffeeapple

Just to let you know that i have this too and have started to try and ignore it becuase it seems to come and go and is linked to how anxious i am and the point i am at in my monthly cycle. I read a book once and it said that if you watch things to closely you see patterns that dont exist. It gave the example of someone who watched the stock market all day every day and they thought they saw patterns that werent actually there - like if you weighed yourself all day - you would see fluctuations that are not relevant . That helps me because i find that when i am anxious i become aware of bodily functions that are actually normal but i am so focussed on them that they become an issue, and i very much see patterns that arent relevant - like the whole 'it depends where i am in my monthly cycle' thing!!??!!:D

Incidently when i was worried about this hand thing i went round everyone in my office and they all had hands that went white when i pressed them too.

Lisa xxxxx

27-04-09, 13:38
You're absolutely right, I know I look into things so much when I'm like this!
About 4 weeks ago I was thinking "wow, I'm going through a stressful and worrying time and I'm ok! Cool I'm cured, I'm doing really well!!" in fact it hit me 2 weeks later!
Oh well the main thing is that I try and get through this calmly and in control!
Thanks for your post it helped tremendously!! :bighug1: