View Full Version : hangover feeling in morning, and forgein body feelings.

27-04-09, 13:19
For the last few weeks I've been noticing that my arms or legs in turn will feel like their not mine, not so much a numb feeling but extra effect to get them moving.
Sometimes when I'm walking my leg will do it and its like I'm dragging it with me or making more effort to get it moving.
I've also experience what nic wrote on her thread my fingers will cramp up, once it was so weak I couldn't grip onto my phone it hasn't gone like that since.
In the morning I feel sick I do hec a lot but that might be over breathing, and like I got a real bad hangover chest feels heavy and my whole body like I got the flu. Through the day I get better just the weakness.
I did tell the doc he said as long as it don't appeae to get worse. It hasn't I guess got any worse in that repect but not better either, and now the hangover feeling.
Any ideas. Do I see the doc again?

27-04-09, 15:01
hi nicola prob is best to get checked out and to get your own mind put at rest im sure its nothing to worry about though

27-04-09, 20:02
Hi Nicola,

I would say that if you are still worried about it to go see you Dr.

I suffer from dissociation as part of my anxiety which includes depersonlisation and derealisation.
Sometime I will feel like my arms or legs are not mine like I am outside my body, other times I feel like I never really woke up that day, like I am still in a dream and the world around me isn't real. http://www.panicattacks.com.au/anxdis/dissoc.html

This website explains it a little better then I can.

I also get panic attacks while I am slleping and can always tell when I have had one cause I wake up feeling hung over, I have gotten a little better once I was diagnosed as I no longer spent so much time worring about this only making the anxiety and symtoms worse. I almost always have muscle aches and pains like the flu becase I am always so tense.

Do you have a phyiciatrist? Once I saw one it was like night abd day, he knew so much more and was able to explain so many more of my symtoms tp me then just my regular Dr.

I hope you feel better soon, I know how distressing not knowing what the heck is going on inside youeslf can be. Again I will say do go back to your Dr. if you are still concerned, if your anything like me you will probably just woory about it until you do.

Take care

27-04-09, 20:15
Hi there,

Could also be related to Thyroid probs. I have Hypothyriodism and need to take Thyroxine. Everything seems to be balanced now.

Have you had your Thyroid checked ? If not, ask for a blood test.

Hope you feel better soon. x

27-04-09, 23:25
hi, ive had my thyrod tested all fine. and ive had deprealization like u discribed it does suck, it like ur looking out of your body or your trap in it, i found it hard to look in the mirror before and founf it hard to look at people.
but this is when i feel normal it got really bad at one stage and my balance totally went but after tablets for a week i was fine so put it down to that. but this is staying with me ive had a good week with my anxiety so ive been brushing it off not dwelling on it but the mornings are getting worse, i stated feel sick the other morning my mother mention pregancy, but i dont think so. ive never been pregant so i dont know whats its like. do people feel like they got an hangover in the morning.