View Full Version : Needing the toilet

19-08-05, 14:09
Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum, i started having panic attacks about 3 weeks ago. I think they are due to my GCSE results next week and moving schools to do my A levels. Anyway a symptom i have had is needing to go to the toilet frequently, and even when i am not panicking i worry about it happening when i am out or not near a toilet. Has anyone else experienced this?

Emma x x

19-08-05, 14:23
Hi Emma

Exam time is a stressful time (one of my daughters is waiting for her GCSE results too).

The loo thing is a funny one - my youngest always likes to go just before we go out even if she doesn't really need to - I'm trying to discourage it a bit as think you should go when your body tells you to although obviously its convenient to go at home (she loathes the school loo's as she says they stink - nice)!

I much prefer going at home and do some ridiculous arm movements to avoid touching the flush handle if I'm out in a public loo and can't find loo roll to cover my hand with. I don't think I'm too mad in this as lots of my unanxious friends do it too (you want to see me its quite incredible)!

Anyway a big welcome to the site and I hope you get the results you want - although dont worry if you dont as all is not lost (have they given you that big talk yet at school)?

Love Piglet:)

19-08-05, 15:55
Hi emma

This time in your life is hard ,you've reached a time of change, all your friends doing diffrent things to what you are, but once you have taken the step it will get easier!!

As for needing the toilet all the time I can sympathise, im terrible for it, Im scared to walk down the road incase i need to go
Trouble is the more you think about it the worse it is.

sorry I have no answers for you about controlling it. If you do find away of stopping these thoughts let me know will you !!!



PS good luck with your exam results sure you will be fine :D

19-08-05, 16:11
hi emma:D
welcome to the forum
love michelle xxx

19-08-05, 16:15
Thanks everyone, yeah i will let you know Jen if i find a way.

Emma x x

19-08-05, 17:27
Welcome aboard!!

I need the toilet quite often as well. This is quite a common symptom.

Hope we can offer you some good support here. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

Sue K with 5
19-08-05, 17:35
Hi Em

Welcome ! bladder problems are a typical sign of anxiety related problems and are not new! I used to suffer terribely when I was younger and exams can certainly make the symptoms feel worse!

I used to find if I drank too much caffiene it made it worse, so try sticking with water and juices! dont worry it will ease off !

I have a terrible problem with not being able to use public conveniences and as I am too big to carry around a portaloo I get into a real frenzy so Iactually stopped drinking whilst I was out ( not good advise though)

Dont let it worry you and stop you from enjoying your life though and we are always on hand for advise if you need it

take care

sue with 5


19-08-05, 18:13
When you're anxious both excretory both urinary and gut systems hurry up so you really do need the loo more often.

Once we've had a fright about getting caught short, it becomes a worry that we dwell on and think about and before long we have got a real thing about it and cause further worry and anxiety which may bring it on.

Both our systems are more controllable than we give the credit for.

Good pelvic floor muscles really help with urinary need ( so practice) and our guts can be calmed down and controlled more than we thinkthey can be at the time - says the girl who sat seriously panicking on the M6 for 3 hours once desperate to go from the first 30m mins .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-08-05, 19:47
Oh i'm the same hun!

The first thing I do when I go anywhere new is suss out exactly where the loos are! LOL

A BIG WARM welcome to the forum Emma! I hope it helps you.

Take care & Good Luck with your results!

Love PIP'S X X

03-07-08, 22:52
Try to cutt back on sodas, caffeine and when going to a place make sure you have access to a rest room and dont worry most of us get jittery and our first reaction is "ahh I got to pee". (:

04-07-08, 03:17
I've just posted my experiences of this under Sus's post titled "Anyone else in this situation" in the General Anxiety section.

My problems started in primary school. I used to hate using the loos so would try and go before I went to school. It became my toilet phobia as I grew older.

Piglet:hugs: .........

The loo thing is a funny one - my youngest always likes to go just before we go out even if she doesn't really need to - I'm trying to discourage it a bit as think you should go when your body tells you to although obviously its convenient to go at home (she loathes the school loo's as she says they stink - nice)!

Does she feel she needs to go before you go out even when she's not going to school?

I feel you're doing right to try and discourage her from feeling she "has" to go before she goes out because it "could" develop into a habit and a phobia as she grows older as it did for me. I'm not saying it will though but it's how my problems started.

Something I think every parent needs to be aware of is that our offspring not only learn from their parents but can also pick up their parents behaviour by following their example.

I've seen on TV that a sufferer being treated with CBT was told to rub their fingers over a toilet seat then eat straight from a crisp packet Without washing their hands to help them overcome their fear of picking up germs.:foot: Seemed just a little extreme to me!:whistles:

19-05-09, 21:39
oh my, you couldn't be more like me. its the one symptom that really plays on my mind, when im anxious, i need the bathroom, and when im not anxious, i worry about the bathroom :(