View Full Version : Very worried about taking Citalopram

27-04-09, 15:19
I have been suffering from anxiety for about 2 and a half years now, but recently my symptoms have increased significantly, and the doctor thinks that this might be due to stress, so he has just prescribed Citalopram to me.

Beforehand, my symptoms were mainly confined to feeling dizzy, or 'fizzy' feelings in my head, sweaty hands and a worry that I was going to have a heart attack or a fit. More recently, I've started to have tension headaches (I have never suffered from headaches before which, bizarrely enough, hs led me to think that I've got a brain tumour), I regularly get angry or tearful with my partner, and one night when I'd been angry, I began to have what felt like 'psychotic thoughts'.

I'm really worried about taking the Citalopram, as I know that symptoms can increase in the first few weeks, and am really worried that I wont be able to look after my baby who is only 10 months old. I've actually been panicking since coming home from the doctors simply about taking the medication.


27-04-09, 16:31
Hi Niki,

Welcome to NMP. Have you discussed with your doctor that you might have postpartum blues since your baby is so young? Your doctor might still have prescribe medication but you might also need counseling. Your headaches could be from stress or hormones. Anyways, I think I would mention it if I were you.

If you do take meds and are worried perhaps someone could come and help you the first week and take care of the baby during the day. Some people do quite well starting the meds and others feel a bit off. Please know that many here have felt like you do and we will give you support. I'm so glad you found us.

Take care,


27-04-09, 16:38
Hi there and welcome to the site, there's loads of good advice and support on here, im sure you'll be fine taking citalopram and there are plenty of folks on here that will help you through it, take care now xx

27-04-09, 16:41
Hi, I understand where you are coming from, i think Laura has given you some great advice, I took my first tablet yeaterday and to be honest have felt terrible today. i'd recommend taking some time off from your responsibilities and just focus on you, this may be realy hard with a baby but if you can call someone for some help it might be a good thing to do, having someone who really knows whats going on really helps. My partner has been really supportive today
all the best

27-04-09, 18:01
Hi and welcome ,I agree it would be wise to get some support through the first 2-3 weeks of being on the citalopram,.But once your dose is sorted you should start to feel a lot better.Iv e been on Citalopram for 6months and I feel really good now ,so try and persevere if you can .Take care and all the best with your recovery.Sue:welcome: x

27-04-09, 22:46
Hi Nikibee.
I have been on Citalopram for four weeks now and the side effects for me were quite bad for first 2 or 3 weeks. I have two young sons to look after and i tell you what, I couldnt of been more grateful that my husband had just been made rudunant!! If you do want to start the tablets then just have some help near by. It shouldn't effect how you look after your baby, but the tiredness can be quite bad. I suggest getting plenty of rest, go to bed when your baby does. I had bad headaches with citalopram to start with but it gets better.
After the first week I actually threw my 'happy pills' in the bin but dug them out after speaking to ppl on here. Do stick with them, they do work just give them time. Hope this helps and good luck xx

27-04-09, 23:05
Hello nicibee, Welcome to NMP , lots of advice support and understanding members here , glad you found the site , you take care:welcome: dusky x