View Full Version : Sinking feeling in chest

cheshire cat
27-04-09, 16:47
Hi - this is my first time here - I keep having this weird sensation of 'sinking' in my chest - it's like everything in there is kind of sinking down towards my stomach. I get kind of shallow breathing and I feel really, really tired and veryweak. It passes - sometimes after half an hour sometimes a bit more and it's always so far happened when I've been outside walking. I've got a lot of stressful things going on in my life at the moment - my own feeling is that it's related to this as it doesn't get worse if I continue walking and I'm usually quite fit and active. Also, I think I make it worse when it comes on by worrying about it. It just comes and goes when it feels like it. I can walk up a steep hill for half an hour without feeling bothered. Any ideas? Thanks for reading this.

27-04-09, 17:17

I get these feelings too. It's sort of similar to a grieving feeling, along with anxiety. Are you feeling low at all ? Do you think this could be part of depression related anxiety?

Take care x:flowers:

cheshire cat
27-04-09, 17:29
Thanks for your reply, Katie - I'm sure it's related to anxiety and maybe a little depression too. I'm having a hard time at work at the moment - people in offices who think it's cool to be catty and bitchy don't realise how upsetting they can be. Plus there's other stuff,too, so maybe it is that after all. I know what you mean about the grieving thing and it's sort of like that but not quite. I feel really indecisive at the time it's happening and if someone asked me if I wanted brown or white bread, I wouldn't be able to give them a firm answer!! Hopefully, the more I talk about it, the less it will happen. Thanks again x

27-04-09, 18:15
Yep, it does sound like stress related anxiety. I too can be a nightmare with trying to make decisions, when I'm feeling unwell, some of the most simplest of things seem difficult.

The bullying at your work doesn't seem very nice at all. I can't stand all that, it's horrible and so upsetting. This happened to me in one of my jobs, I ended up chucking it in, the boss was the bully, she was nasty. I was lucky to be able to have that choice at the time and walk away, I found it difficult to make that decision and had to ask my doc for advice. My partner supports us financially and so this wasn't too much of a problem. But if we're on our own, it must be terrible. Do you have any support?

Is it possible for you to report this behaviour to your boss? Or if it is your boss, could you report them to the person above ? These people can't get away with making your life a misery, it's just so unfair.

What do you for work ?

cheshire cat
27-04-09, 18:30
Thanks for your encouraging words, Katie - I'm not a wimp and I can usually give every bit as good as I get at work, but it's really got to me just lately. The boss just can't cope with this kind of thing and would just tell us to sort it out between ourselves. Unfortunately I'm the breadwinner in the family - hubby has heart problems and can't work. This sinking sensation is really unpleasant - it feels as though my heart's too heavy to stay in place and I get really weak but I'm sure it's stress. I'm old enough to retire, so I may just do that soon - money isn't everything, is it? Do you still have this feeling, or has it stopped happening to you now?

27-04-09, 18:54

I get a very similar feeling to this, I am sure it is all down to stress. The feeling you are describing is very unpleasant but I have been getting this on and off for a while now and can only say it has never harmed me yet so try not to worry too much. I have always put this feeling down to some kind of adrenaline rush.

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time at work, people can be so nasty sometimes and there really is no need for it. I hope things improve for you soon.


cheshire cat
27-04-09, 19:20
Thanks for that, Carol. It's really a horrible feeling but like you,, It's not harmed me yet so I guess it's psychological, thank goodness, rather than physical! This is a really good website, by the way - plenty of support here! And yes, people like my colleagues are horrors, but one day they'll experience it themselves ....