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View Full Version : eating disorder worries?

27-04-09, 17:19
i don't know if i should be worried if i have one to an extent or not :blush: :wacko: for a while now i don't always eat my tea sometimes ill hide bits of it, but others ill enjoy it, however its normally the only meal ill eat a day, apart from say at night time i may have some crisps and yogurt not really a meal, same at say dinnertime, not much and no breakfast

and today i felt soo sickly with gerd symptoms after eating a cheese roll (small one) and a biscuit, that i actually made my self sick to get rid of it all :wacko: after which i hated doing it and felt really cold afterwards, what should i do ?:blush:

27-04-09, 17:43
anxiety can cause appetite problems lately if i see a big plate of food it makes me feel sick i do same as you i pick but i dont make myself sick thats not a good thing to get started on

27-04-09, 17:57
Not to sound rude or anything by no means petal :hugs:

But you really do know wether you have an eating disorder or not.

It doesn't have to be full blown for it to still be a disorder though.

If you feel you are having issues with eating and food,well done for recognising it and I would speak to a doct about it. :hugs:

But as amanda said,anxiety can play havoc with appetite also..so you have watch it isn't just loss of appetite which ofcourse is awful in itself.

When did you notice this happening?


27-04-09, 18:02
ive noticed for a while but that this year its got worse, i kept telling myself i didn'nt have a problem and it was just anxiety, but now doubting myself

27-04-09, 18:16
:hugs: I'm sorry you are thinking this but it is good that you think you may have a prob instead of hiding it and you should def go speak to someone petal :) It definitely helps


27-04-09, 18:16
thanks :)

27-04-09, 19:27
I agree with wee-mee.
You should go and talk to someone.

I suffered from Anoreixa, I know how it is.
An eating disorder doesn't mean you have to be emaciated or even full-blown bulimic. An eating disorder is any unstable and difficult relationship with food. Be it eating too much or not eating at all.

My therapist called it eating distress and it's a horrible feeling because eating is a really natural thing. Go and talk to your doctor or a close friend. It's best to nip problems like this in the bud asap because they have a habbit of sneaking up on you.

All the best!

27-04-09, 19:33

That is my problem. Too much or too little.

I have EDNOS which is just a mongrel term really for disordered issues surrounding food and it only makes already esxisting depression and anxiety much worse. :weep:

xxxxx All the best lovey xxxxxxx

27-04-09, 19:58
Haha, Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified?

I hate when they just throw words together. I was in therapy group with a girl who suffered from that. It does make you worse I think.

I still freak out a lot. I really do, but I try to work my way out of it. Everydays a struggle and you're never free of it.


27-04-09, 23:01
It all depends on WHY you arn't eating.

If you feel terribly anxious in general and can't "face food", thats loss of appetite due to anxiety.

If you have an obsession with losing weight, your body image, calories and the like..thats more in the eating disorder camp. Or if you're anxious about eating because you think it'll make you fat.

27-04-09, 23:13
Yes Kaybee I find it is a rather degrading term..just like..whatever sort of.

Not nice. People with this still suffer the same as an anorexic or bullimic.

All of these issues are awful. :hugs:

And that is a good way to put it antilove: That is a difference.

Just hope we all get better with everything soon :)


28-04-09, 06:11
I consider anything twisted with your appetite to be disordered eating.
Then again, I'm a little messed up :madness:
that's me right there!

I hope it all gets better soon!

28-04-09, 18:12
i feel soo full now i feel i need to do it again but dont want to :weep: i dont think im fat i know im thin and docs say my body mass index is low i weigh 7stones but i dont want to be any heavier, at my heaviest ive ever been is only just under 8stone anyway, but if i notice im a few pounds over the 7stone i feel i want rid of it :blush: