View Full Version : I Need Help To Find Answers To My Symptoms Please.

27-04-09, 19:37
Hello.:) My name is Tanya and I've been having medical issues for the past 10 years or so. I've seen many different doctors and haven't been able to go very far with them. It's getting very frustrating, because I keep getting worse. I can barely work a part-time job, I rarely leave my house now, I have a very hard time travelling, etc... If there's anyone who can pin-point me to the right direction, or if anyone has these same syptoms, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. Most of my symptoms are as follows: 1) My main concern right now and newest symptom in the last few months is constant pain and tenderness that fluctuates on left side (from under my rib to my lower abdomin, but mostly right above my pelvic bone)
2) Indigestion feeling in mid part of my back (very sharp pains, sometimes followed by a bowel movement) 3) A knot-like muscle on upper part of back, inbetween spine and shoulder blade, that never goes away, flares up alot and causes sharp chest pains. 4) Constant back pain that fluctuates throughout my entire back (sometimes very achy, sometimes sharp) 5) Knot-like muscles on left side of my stomach (one beside my belly button, the others are above and below) that hurt very frequently. 6) Frequent neck pains that causes headaches. 7) Pain during intercourse. 8) Acne that will not go away (and never had until I started getting sick). 9) Flu like symptoms (but not having the flu). 10) Constipation and Diarrhea. 11) Stomach aches. 12) Sometimes get sharp pains or tenderness on right side.
I'll leave you all with that for now. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.

27-04-09, 20:51
Hi Tanya,

I am sorry to hear that you are having these health problems. I too have had my share.

You said you have been to different Dr. yes? Have you had any luck? Have you been diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder or o.c.d? The reason I ask is because all of your symtoms could be caused by anxiety as mine were but it is VERY important to have proper medical testing done to rule out any other underling medical conditions that could be responsible for your symptoms.

I went undiagnosed for a year. I had seen countless Dr's and specialists, I have had every test done and was even misdiagnosed at one point with basilar artery migrains by a neurologist after being hospitalized for my strange symptoms (there are way too many to list) Finaly a new Dr cought on thank God and sent me to a phyciatrist where I was diagnosed properly this time with GAD, Health anxiety, panic disorder, agraphbia and O.C.D mainly O.
I can tell you by looking at you list of symtoms that I have at one point or another suffered from pretty much all of them and then some.

You are obviously very worried about your health, I used to spend hours a day looking up my symptoms online and worring about every little feeling that was going on in my body and diagnosing myself with every and I do mean every possible illness out there. The problem was the more I did this the worse my symptoms got.

I would recommend getting proper medical testing done first to start ruling things out. Also talk to you Gp about anxiety disorders.

I am going to give you 2 links to sites that helped put my mind at ease about my symptoms. The fist one is a list of all the crazy physical, mental, emotional symptoms anxiety can cause and the second explanies whats going on in the body to give these sensations. I hope they help you. I also hope you get some answers from a Dr. soon as this not knowing can be the worst part.



Take care.

27-04-09, 21:39
There is also the Symptoms page on this website on the left.