View Full Version : Another new symptom - really scared!

27-04-09, 20:37
Just when i think i'm beating this HA along comes another worry / pain.

I have beaten the palpations, dizziness, waking in the night, panic attacks, breathing problems etc etc...

I now have a new problem and its been going on for months.

Its hard to explain but its all in my left breast. Its like a squeezing sensation, not painful like a feeling of trapped wind??? It comes and goes i have it now while i'm typing this and it will last for about 10 seconds at a time.
Is it a muscle problem?
Have checked for any lumps, none found.
I cant seem to establish what triggers it as it can happen if im sitting, standing, walking...
Its really scaring me, is it my heart????

The only reasonable explanition is i carry my 20mth old around on my hip a lot. have i pulled a muscle and its causing it to spasm all the while. If so surely it wouldn't go on for this long.
Should i bother my GP?
What if it is my heart and im ignoring the warning signs, i have read somewhere that a sign of a heart attack is a squeezing sensation in your chest!!!

Please anyone any advise, please.

I've got again, now!!! HELP PLEASE.

27-04-09, 22:21
:weep: Please someone talk to me.

22 viewing and no replys, this makes me even more anxious!

27-04-09, 22:38
I think it's just like you say a muscle spasm with carrying your baby around.:hugs::hugs: I have had a very sore muscle just above my left breast for a week or two now and I was worried thinking of breast cancer although I had two mammograms and ultrasound in January when I had a cyst but when I think back I think I have hurt it when I was mopping the kitchen floor because when I used the mop again that muscle hurt (it's a heavier mop that what I usually use)

It can't be your heart if it's been going on for months.:hugs:

Also your anxiety will be adding to the problem so try to relax and not think of it.:hugs: