View Full Version : No purpose and confused.. (caution lots of reading)

27-04-09, 20:51
I need to get this off my chest. Sorry if this is too much info but this is the only way I can express my self at the minute. I feel down and out at the minute with no motivation for anything i feel low 24 hours a day with nothing to look forward to. Im miles away from my home town in a nightmare job where my work load is too stressful due to cut backs, i have applied for 50 jobs that dont actually interest me but still can't get an interview due to the recession. I cant quit smoking no matter how hard I try, I owe thousands of money which takes a chunk of my wages anyway each month, I cant eat healthily due to no cooking facilities and I have to rely on horrible staff meals twice a day. My head spins with ideas like learning to drive, going to uni etc but they all cost and i cant afford it, Im having serious problems with my mum so I dont feel welcome there. Im gay and only have one friend who just wants to go out constantly and doesn't understand why im so miserable. I suffer stress badly it makes me physically ill. I haven't had a relationship of any kind for years and i now i dont have any interest in it anyway, I dont know whats happened to me but I need something to focus on and me feel a zest for life again as i just feel flat! Bit bit my life seems to have spiralled into nothingness over the past 4 years and I have no idea where to start!!

Sorry for the rant thanks for listening as always :)