View Full Version : Ridiculous fear!! (Women only please)

27-04-09, 23:49
Hi all x

Although I've been worrying about this for about five weeks now, I've only just got the bottle to write this thread as I'm scared of sounding like a total nutter. I know what I'm about to say is completely ridiculous, but it is a real genuine fear of mine at the moment... so any advice would be greatly appreciated.:flowers:

First of all, I'd like to point out that I'm 18 years old & a virgin, in good health apart from general anxiety. So basically; back in March, I started having problems with nausea. I would have random moments of nausea during the day; it could be in the morning, in the evening, after I'd eaten... etc. At first it didn't worry me too much, but when it seemed to be persisting, I made the fatal mistake of googling 'nausea' and all I got were about 2000 results about pregnancy. 'Early symptoms of pregnancy' 'pregancy symptoms' 'morning sickness' etc... :scared15: I have to say, this terrified me. It was something that hadn't crossed my mind for obvious reasons, but since I've read it, I can't get it out my mind !!
I know it's a ridiculous and irrational fear since I've never had sex, but I can't help worrying that maybe I've gotten pregnant in some other way !!!! Oh my God, I know that sounds utterly stupid... but google seems to think that you can get preganant without intercourse if sperm comes in contact with 'down there' by other means :| This has got me thinking all sorts of stupid things... what if there was some semen on a towel I used etc etc...?! :blush:

I feel really silly for even writing this, but I am so scared. I have put on a bit of weight recently (or maybe that's my mind playing tricks on me:wacko:), and during the time I was suffering with nausea, (about 4/5 weeks ago) I felt very bloated. When I first started worrying about all this, it was about 2 weeks before my next period was due. I got my period 3 days earlier than normal, and while this should have reassured me, it did nothing but worry me. I'm usually on time for my periods and the fact I'd started earlier made me worry even more. The period was pretty normal for me; it even lasted a bit longer than usual... so I knew I should stiop worrying, but I still haven't been able to!!!!!!!!!!! :scared15:

I just cannot stop worrying. It doesn't help that it's now been about a week & a half since my period ended, and whilst I don't feel bloated or nauseaous anymore, I am still having some very worrying symptoms. For example, my right nipple is very sore & tender at the moment, which is not normal at all!! I usually only ever get sore nipples/breasts before my period, and my next period isn't due for another two weeks. Not only that, even after doing a bit more exercise than usual, I am still curvier than usual!!!!!!! :wacko: I'm so confused, I just don't know what's going on with my body at the moment :weep:

Sorry this is so long, i just had to get it off my chest!! If anyone could help me or reassure me, I would really appreciate it. :flowers: One thing is for sure, I won't be using google to look up anymore symptoms !!!!!!!!


28-04-09, 00:18
Trust me you arnt pregnant. there are many reasons this could be happening. thyroid problem, hormone imbalance or change and even food intolerance. i know this as my sister is a nurse. but i can say i doubt you a pregnant. if you are worried about the sickness see your doctor but it doesnt sound serious x

28-04-09, 00:38
Anzie, sperm lives for a very short time outside of the body. In order for you to get it from a towel, it would have to travel more than an explorer discovering a country...and no way it would find its way through the CLOSED physiology of a woman and into the vagina and tubes.

You say "in another way" but don't mention if any actual sperm (even if you are a virgin) was deposited near you....but you also just had your period! So, with all due respect, I have to agree with your own header of "ridiculous fear", it really is and you seem to realize that. I know, with health anxiety, our innate logic and intelligence is one thing and our fears another so I understand how this can happen. And we take every little piece of evidence that has its own cause and say "Aha" (your nausea, nipples). I hope you can rest easy on this one...I'd say go buy a pregnancy test in the drug store if it would ease your mind but I think you'd be wasting your money...don't you think so?

28-04-09, 01:18
Thanks for your replies. Yeah I do agree 100% that I am being ridiculous;; I just thinK i needed to hear it from someone else, so thanks :] Nah I wouldn't waste money on a pregnancy test... I'd feel stupid, because I KNOW I can't be pregnant.
Sperm hasn't been deposited near me; I haven't been in intimate situations with a man for a lonng time. So I know I'm being completely irrational; it just seemed so weird how I seemed to have these symptoms; one after the other... I just started questioning myself. I know it's stupid but I tend to find that with my anxiety, if I get transfixed on a particular thought, I find it hard to get of, especially if the thought is scary to me.

I think perhaps I imagine symptoms sometimes as a result of anxiety... eg: read on a website that you would feel this particular way & then immediately i'm analysing how I'm feeling at the time. Does that make sense? Does anyone else do this?

28-04-09, 02:22
Hi Anzie2008,

You are not pregnant! Most of the symptoms you describe are perfectly normal for any young woman... I get sore boobs in the middle of my monthly cycle and I'm 35! The nausea is probably an anxiety symptom, and all this worrying must be making you feel worse! Don't google symptoms because google will always bring up the worst case scenario. If you are still worried, just buy a pregnancy test and you'll know for certain in a few minutes.

I hope this helps.

Love and hugs from shoegal x :flowers:

02-01-10, 02:37
I totally agree with the above poster-the symptoms you've described sound like those of any normal menstrual cycle and your probably worrying too much about them.

Try to relax hun

Vanilla Sky
02-01-10, 03:38
Aww hun , I can totally relate to this , when i was younger ( many years ago lol ) i had the same fear as you, i knew i could not be pregnant but some how my imagination would take me to somewhere where it would be possible !! So i guess what i am saying is , i know what you mean ! You are not pregnant and please DO NOT google symptoms ! If you googled sore toe it would come up with some disease that you are dying from lol Paige x

02-01-10, 06:00
I also agree that you are not pregnant! I get many of those symptoms right before I get my period, so hormonal imbalance and other changes that occur before or after you get your period are much more likely. Try to relax and not stress about it too much, because stress will only create more unpleasant symptoms and also could make your period come later, which will only add more fuel to your anxiety.

02-01-10, 10:28

There's lots of hormonal things going on but I think what's worrying you more is the fact that you can't get the thought from your mind of being pregnant. Anxious thoughts can get stuck in a groove, they go round and round and although you know they're not real you can't stop thinking about them. It's anxiety that's making you think the pregnancy thought, even although deep down you know it can't possibly be the case. Repeated thoughts are like a devil sitting on your shoulder arguing with you that it must be real!!! Although deep down we know different! Through time this will pass. You're probably just a bit stressed at the moment.

02-01-10, 11:04
You aren't pregnant. I get the nausea thing daily and it's a classic symptom of anxiety. My Dr gave me metoclopramide to help with it and it has done. Maybe go to the Dr and ask for something for the nausea

02-01-10, 15:08
Awwwww. You poor love.

No, you can't possibly be pregnant. Absolutely no chance.

And, think about it, if nausea were only a symptom of pregnancy - what about all the men who get it?!

Could be a million reasons why you are feeling sick. I, for one, start to feel queasy when I...ahem...need a number 2! Have no idea why, but it's been going on for years.

I think you should pop along to your GP and discuss this with him/her. You're obviously experiencing obsessive thoughts that you can't get rid of, a common experience with anxiety. You can get some help with this.

In the meantime...deep breaths and relax :) xxx

02-01-10, 22:36
YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT!!! this type of thing doesnt happen when someone is pregnant. this could be hormones. your nausea could have been anxiety??

I do know that there is an occurence in women where they produce hormones as if pregnant which they are not. there abdomens can even swell and nipples become sore etc etc as if pregnant which they are not. it usually happens to those who despreatley want to get pregnant. The mind is very powerful.
but even if this occured with you do not worry. just see your gp and it will go smoothly. THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!!

02-01-10, 22:52
This thread is an old one ,posted APRIL OF LAST YEAR ..But im sure it will help someone else one day ..Sue x