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View Full Version : really scared and feeling crap

27-04-09, 23:57

i just don't know what to do anymore, i'm really freaking out about this swine flu pandemic and i feel really crap. i just feel so down and feel like there is something wrong with me, i have these really bad facial pains which are also around my eyes so i sort of have to squint coz it hurts so bad so im convinced i have sinus cancer coz i have had these bad pains for a couple of years on and off now but i have just put it down to being stressed out and being anxious about my health.

but recently they have been quite bad again and my sinuses always feel conjested and blocked and i dont have a cold so im really concerned. i'm only 22 and feel i should be out there enjoying myself but hoe can i do that when i have probably got cancer. any advice? do you think it's serious?
please reply ASAP, i'm losing my mind
Luv Louise

28-04-09, 11:21
Have a read of this...


It is highly unlikely you have cancer and yes you should be out having fun and not obsessing over things like this.

28-04-09, 12:00
I No what u feel like Louise im the same im 22 and worry and obsess about things all the time this swine flu is really scaring me as i have got a cold but i no i havent been in contact with anyone thts come bk from either of the infected countries and but still doesnt stop the obcessing im here for u if u want to talk as i understand what ur going through love and hugs Gemma xxxxxxxxx

28-04-09, 13:21
Hi Louise, hope you are feeling better today, I think what you describe is quite common babe, when we feel anxious and we all do to some extent, our minds blows things out of all proportion and we can become worried about our health and always think the worst.
The media has a way of exaggerating things too, with regards to the swine flu and a few years ago the avian flu, (bird flu) the chances of contracting it in this country are tiny and even if you did, we are probably the best prepared country to deal with it, having still mases of vacines from the avian flu a few years ago, which although not identical is similar.
I do feel the media has a responsibility to alert people to potential dangers, but also to do it in a responsible unsensational way.
Make an appointment about your nose, It could be so many other minor things or even nothing, my warm thoughts are with you, Stephen x

28-04-09, 13:31

i just don't know what to do anymore, i'm really freaking out about this swine flu pandemic and i feel really crap. i just feel so down and feel like there is something wrong with me, i have these really bad facial pains which are also around my eyes so i sort of have to squint coz it hurts so bad so im convinced i have sinus cancer coz i have had these bad pains for a couple of years on and off now but i have just put it down to being stressed out and being anxious about my health.

but recently they have been quite bad again and my sinuses always feel conjested and blocked and i dont have a cold so im really concerned. i'm only 22 and feel i should be out there enjoying myself but hoe can i do that when i have probably got cancer. any advice? do you think it's serious?
please reply ASAP, i'm losing my mind
Luv Louise

You do not have cancer of the sinuses lets be honest you have had this problem for years so I don't think you need worry now.

Forget cancer and get out and have fun.

And by the way forget the swine flu as well. Worrying about something will not change the outcome and anyway it is usually those who are ill that suffer the most with infections like these not a healthy young person like yourself.:)