View Full Version : I think i need help.

28-04-09, 00:58
Hi my name is Jessica, i have not been diagnosed but i suffer from very high anxiety i am 21 years old and have felt this way for as long as i can remember. i hav missed out on alot of really neat things i would like to do but i cany bring myself to do them, anyways first thing is i gag in the morning if there is something i have to get up early to do and feel gross for most of the day after that happens. my boyfriend also is a pilot and i have never flown in my life i would love to but i am clostrophobic and afraid of heights and just plain afraid of having a panic attack. i also find myself during the day getting a tightness in my chest making it very hard to take deep breathes wich starts to make me more nervous. sometimes if i have to wake up early to do something i will ALWAYS wake up like an hour before i have to freaking out with my heart beating fast and i am usually shaking uncontrolably it passes but is very hard to get over. the reason i started writing on this site was because i want to see if anyone can relate to any of this and if there is any hope for me getting over it also my boyfriends birthday is in July and we wanted to go to Vegas but i would have to fly and i want to soooo bad but i just dont know how to overcome this i want to do it easily and have fun i know that like a week or even more before our trip tho i will be panicking and waiting to get on the plane i might die lol. anywayz thank you to whoever reads all this and any replys will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
- Jessica

28-04-09, 13:41
Hello Jessica
It is hard to deal with these issues. Anxiety can be very scary especially if you're not sure what is happening to your body, shortness of breath, or gagging. You've taken a positive first step by finding this site - you might want to make an appointment with your GP and explain the situation to them. Lots of people have issues with flying and it isn't a sign of weakness so don't beat yourself up about it.
Take care of yourself and remember to breathe-I hope you feel better

28-04-09, 14:41
Hi Jessica,

You seem to be displaying various fears, along with your anxiety, claustraphobia, and fear of heights, etc... also physical symptoms of anxiety which frighten you and a fear of having a panic attack...

Firstly, well done for, as bluebelle states, taking the fist steps and finding this site...

Secondly take comfort in knowing you are NOT alone in this and are NOT the only one.

There is a lot of info on this site about anxiety and its symptoms, mental, emotional and physical. My advice would be to read up as much as you can here... I know for my part simply realising that i was not alone was imensely empowering not to mention all the tips on how to cope when having an anxiety or Panic attack.

The other thing to remember is that no matter how scary the physical symptoms can be they are just symptoms and they will pass.

As bluebelle says, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible... the sooner the better in order to start learning how to cope in time for your vegas trip.

I have a fear of heights to.. although as my father quite rightly says we do not fear the height, we do not even fear falling, we fear the consequence of falling which is death... I think a lot if not most phobias can be reduced down to a fear of mortality which in itself is understandable and quite natural in normal people ... its the bodys way of protecting you from danger... however when the fear stops you from living then it ceases to be a useful tool...

I used to have major fear of heights... so one day I decided to do a bungee jump.. i started regretting it the minute the cran started to lift me up... But i did it and i survived.. did it take away my fear ?? NO lol.. but it did make it more manageable... a few years later i did it again and it was just as scarry if not more scarry than the first... but i did it...

Im not suggesting you do the same, everybody is different.... but facing your fears is something we all have to do if we wish to take back control of our lives..

Meditation may also be very useful for you ... learning how to relax yourself in moments of stress as well as learning to breath properly ...

I find when Im having a particularly bad moment or day writting out my feelings or thoughts on here or on paper is very theraputic, it helps me to see upon re-reading how irrational i am being.

Perhaps once you have seen your doctor, counselling to find the root of your fears may also be helpful... I spent 11 years living with GAD ROCD and Depression and only found out about GAD and ORCD like a month ago... If i knew then what i know now life would have turned out very differently...

I hope you find some peace... feel free to PM me anytime you like...

Big hugs


28-04-09, 19:26
Thank you goingmadder and bluebell i was so excited to see i had replys it really does help to hear what other people that may have the same or similiar problems as me have to say, and i will definatly try and make an appointment with my doctor to see what i can do for myself. i just feel like i miss out on so many things because i just cant bring myself to do it, i dont want to put myself through all the miserable stuff before hand and during, even though i know i will be so PROUD of myself when i overcome some of this, and goingmadder WOW bungee jumping sounds like so much fun i cant imagine how you felt after getting it over with :) anyways thanks for the replies i really appreciate it.
- Jessica