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View Full Version : I have HPV... and I'm scared!

28-04-09, 01:23
I had a pap smear last week and my doctor called me today to tell me I have HPV (Human papillomavirus)... OMG I'm scared!! I don't want cervical cancer! What am I going to do!?? I don't have genital warts or anything... I have no symptoms...

I'm set to have the Gardasil shots this week.

Has anyone ever had this before? Is it normally curable? My anxiety is so much worse now...

28-04-09, 02:09
My girlfriend has HPV and she has NO horrible symptoms. She went for a biopsy and it's one of the MANY strains that do NOT cause cancer. I am sure this is the case with yours. Tons of women have HPV as it is VERY common to go unnoticed until a PAP. Try to just breathe and relax. I know that's easier said than done. I'm prayin for ya. :hugs:

28-04-09, 02:16
I understand that this must be really scary for you, but please try to stay calm. I think there are lots of strains of HPV and most of them do not cause any symptoms. Also, do bear in mind that if you do ever get symptoms, they are very treatable if caught early.

Love and hugs from shoegal x :flowers:

Little Miss Anxious
28-04-09, 11:07
After doing very, very, very extensive net research due to anxiety over my smear I have also read that there are many strains (over 100) of HPV & only a very few of them can lead to cervical cancer - even if it was a strain that can it dosent mean it will, it just means there is a slight chance it could if not treated.

Believe you me I spent years obsessing over cervical cancer issues (I wouldnt go for a smear until this last Feb & I am 35, I made myself sick worrying !!) Now I have done it & know I am ok I could kick myself for getting in such a state over it.

Please try not to worry, I hate the thought of anyone else feeling like I did over this kind of stuff !!

Big Hugs xx

28-04-09, 15:12
Hi there - over 75% of women have HPV - some are aware and some are not. As others have said, there are some strains that can make the sufferer more prone to cervical dysplasia, which, left untreated, can lead to cervical cancer. Having HPV does not automatically mean you will get cervical cancer. I assume you keep up to date with your smears? If so, then it is unlikely that you will ever even get to the stage where cervical cancer is an issue....

I am having the Cervarix injections (like Gardisil but protects against a couple of other strains of HPV).

In case you're wondering, I had HPV 31 - one of the strains that can lead to Cervical Cancer. It has now cleared up and I have been clear of it for 2 years.

It's good that you know you have it. Do your best to look after yourself, make your immune system good and strong and your body will probably eliminate it on it's own. BUT DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT, it's not a death sentence, it's very common and totally curable and more to the point, NOT cancer.

:yesyes: :hugs:

01-05-09, 05:00
so i did some research... is it true that Gardasil doesn't actually cure HPV, but just prevents it? my mom is very opposed to me getting the shots because of the big controversy and the girls that supposedly became paralyzed after the shots. she is trying to talk me out of getting them... and if they only prevent HPV, why should i bother??

what are some other options? what can i do to get rid of it? i get regular pap smears... im going to start getting them twice a year.

and what about my sex life? i obviously got it from my boyfriend (hes the only person ive been with for the past 2 years)... so can we just not ever have unprotected sex?

if i dont get the gardasil shots, am i doomed to get cervical cancer???

sorry for all the questions... i just need answers so i can stop panicking about everything.

01-05-09, 05:04
I know many people who had it.. it will go away in a few months. don't even worry about it. seriously. You won't even know u have it unless u get a wart which can be takin off quicky.

Little Miss Anxious
01-05-09, 11:35
As Romo says many women get HPV & it usually clears up by iteself in a few months, it is only if one of the strains that 'can' cause cervical cancer dosent go away it can become a problem much later on, that is why they carry out treatment on bad cells as a preventative measure to stop it progressing in years to come.

It is suspected that most sexually active women will have had HPV in their lifetimes, however many will never know about it unless it shows up on a smear.

I wish I could have been this rational about it when I was having my smear test anxiety - it all seems to get put into perspective afterwards !!

I dont think the smears in the UK always show actual HPV up, I think they just show up dodgy cells which could progress to cancer if not treated. That may be incorrect, if so please correct (I am not often wrong but it has been known on the odd occasion :noangel: lol)

01-05-09, 18:15
You are wrong on this occasion. It is automatically tested for now.

Gardasil and all the vaccinations do not cure HPV - they are there to help prevent it.

Your body will probably cure it on it's own. Ask your GP what strain of HPV you have as that is relatively key - there are about 8 strains that are known to cause dysplasia that can lead to Cancer (if left for a very long time I hasten to add). Also, ask her the best course of action. I suspect you will be tested again (via smear) in 6 months or a years time.... and if the HPV is still there, just keep up regular smear testing, if it's gone then think of having the Gardasil. Your Mum shouldn't worry too much, all vaccinations have an element of risk (that includes chicken pox, etc) as do all medications. It's just that the benefits far outweigh the negatives on this one....

01-05-09, 19:19
I recommend that you go to a GUM clinic. They will be able to discuss all your worries with you and give you some support. The service is completely confidential and you can ask them ANY questions that you might be too embarassed to ask your DR. They talk about sexual health issues ALL DAY EVERY DAY so there is nothing you can't ask them and nothing they won't have heard before.

01-05-09, 21:12
Just use protection and get tested in 6 months and it will be gone.. might take a year at most but it doesn't make you feel like anything.

01-05-09, 21:14
ALSO, your doc will know if you have the stain for the cancer. He would've told you when he told you , you had it.