View Full Version : Help Think I am going crazy

28-04-09, 08:26

This is my first time on this site and to be honest the first time I think I have pluked up the courage to write on a forum at all.

I have been told by the doctors that I am suffering with anxiety that may have been brought on by undiagnosed post natal depression, but I am worried that there is more too it.
I do recognise that a few weeks before it all came to a head that I was feeling anxious some evenings and some times at night. When my partner would ask over what i just did not know why, I just felt it.
I went to my gp who did a ecg and said that although my heart was a little fast it was fine and to come back in 2 weeks if it carried on!!! The next few days were horriable with missed heart beats, palps and what felt like surges in my heart. I ended up at a and e on the sun morning after being up all night thinking that I was going to die. They done another ecg and bloods and gave me some beta blockers. Bloods did come back fine too.
I have now been to 5 doctors who have all said that this is anxiety, they have been changing my amount of beta blockers as am still getting my heart jumping.
I have been given a slow slow releasing beta blocker of 80mg but at night am getting pins and needles so am on different ones as of today.
Over the last few days I have though during the day that it might be getting better but then last night I felt my heart jump and then a surge through my chest which made me jump. That was it, have been awake most the night and in tears.
I am so scared of dying and not seeing my 10 month old grow up. I spend most of my day in tears. I dont know what to do, am thinking of using any money we have to go private and get this checked out as I feel like I am going mad. Has anyone ever felt like this?.
Sorry it was a long one.
I just dont know what to do but I cannot go on like this.

28-04-09, 08:53
Hello. Welcome to nmp. You have come to just the right place for advice and reassurance. If you read the valuable information and personal stories of others on this site, you will see that you are not alone. The symptoms you describe are typical of anxiety. It can be very frightening, but fear feeds the symptoms and makes them worse. If you can, buy a relaxation tape/DVD, eat a healthy diet and take a daily walk. Cut out alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. Your hormones are just settling after the baby. You don't say if it's your first, but the "honeymoon" period of having a newborn is over and the lack of sleep you are bound to have had over the last few months is probably catching up on you too.
Try not to "doctor hop" If your GP practise allows, stick to one doctor you trust, and maybe enlist the suport of your Health Visitor too.
You'll find people on here in chat to talk to most of the day. They'll be happy to support you.

28-04-09, 09:41
Hi Maddie,

Thank you for replying to me. Yes it is my first baby. I know if I think about it with a clear head I can see that it came at a time when I had a lot going on and little sleep.
My doctor that I see most is lovely and thats who i try and go to, think the reason I have seen so many is that i have had to call on the day due to needing more tablets etc. My normal doctor keeps asking me how many doctors will it take:shrug: . And she has refered me to a cardiologist even though she said she did not want to and was only doing it as it is what I wanted but the appointment is not until July.
I think part of the problem is that I am sure there is something wrong and that it is not anxiety even though I have had signs.
Anyway thank you again.