View Full Version : Having big panic attacks and at work! omg!

28-04-09, 09:29

Well, the title says it all really... I'm at work right now and feeling nuts :ohmy: I don't know why but since I woke up this morning I've been in a massive panic :scared15: I feel derealisation, churning guts, tight chest, tight throat agitated and cannot concentrate. I don't know what to do. I keep feeling like I'm going to crack up or pass out or something awful is going to happen :scared15:

OMG I know I've got to carry on and be strong, and get through the day... but gosh! I just don't know how right now :blush: :scared15: I'm freaking out!

Can you help me through the day, please? :blush: :hugs:

28-04-09, 09:32
*big hugs* Try and take some deep breaths, is there anyone you can talk to at work about how you feel today? I warm cup of tea and some freash air might be useful too, take 5 mins away and try to think to yourself that you will get through the day. Do you have a way of listening to music at work..this might help.

28-04-09, 09:45
They are only thoughts, nothing is going to happen to you, it is just the feelings of anx you are going through, tell yourself that, you are not going to pass out and nothing bad will happen, just horrible feelings, as bad as they feel, thats all they are.

best wishes

di xx

28-04-09, 09:57
Just try and stay calm now

It is only adrenalin causing you to feel like it

Is there a water cooler - go and get yourself a drink you may feel a little better

Try and concentrate on something else

You will be FINE


28-04-09, 10:00
I'm so sorry you are feeling like this. It's horrible isn't it? It really is just anxiety making you have all these feelings. You WILL calm down eventually. I know it's hard but really try and stop fighting against it as that is just making the adrenaline flow more. Can you try to do deep breathing in and out through your nose making the out breath longer than the in (you probably know how to do it yourself) do this for at least 5 minutes if you can. Also clenching your fists for 30 seconds while holding your breath then letting go can help with any shaking and also releases the churning feeling in the stomach. Hope you feel a bit more relaxed soon.:hugs:

laura jane
28-04-09, 10:07
hi can someone help me i suffer with eptopic beats but becoming obsssed there is somethong wrong with mt heart plz help me xxxx

28-04-09, 10:38
Is this your first time I wonder. If it is then may be take time out (now!!) and go somewhere different (not home) for a walk and get your mind on other things. Nip it in the bud - do not ponder on it. If it is a repeat then draw strength from the fact that this has been overcome before. When you feel well enough you can try to assess what are the factors to the creation of your unpleasant feelings. Easy said I know. Face it and dont be afraid to tell those around you how you feel. It is not a weakness to be honest and truthfull.

28-04-09, 10:43
Have you seen a doc? Do so as it will aleviate your concern and worries. 99.5% chance that nothing is wrong. My heart goes like this when I slip into an anxiety state and the whole thing feeds on itself. 26 years since it started but many long periods without a murmur!